Can I join?
1. Username - Kraetor00
2. About yourself(who you are)- I'm Kraetor, Kraetor00, or Kra3tor (depending on the game or site). I make music, and play games. I'd rather not give out too many details, so please respect that.
3. Any ALT's or bans we should know about - None
4. Time Zone- Eastern Daylight Time (At the time of this update, it's 8:43)
5. Favorite mods- Judo, JudoFrac, Mushu, and sometimes Aikido
6. What is rule 3- spiky hair and mullets are king
7. Anything else you have to say- Can I make a song for your clan?
8. please post 3 to 5 replays- I'll post them this weekend. I don't have them with me right now.
Also, I don't have a Skype. Sorry.
Also Also, I haven't been able to play at all for this week, that's why my last match was on March 22, 2015.
Last edited by Kraetor00; Mar 26, 2015 at 01:46 PM.