I copyright this thread.

I also copyright lawsuit, copyright and all of their further uses.

Last edited by CMon; Sep 20, 2008 at 01:23 AM.
Originally Posted by CMon View Post
I copyright this thread.

I also copyright lawsuit, copyright and all of their further uses.


Originally Posted by Kips View Post
Oh yeah?

I copyright your copyright.

Neither of you pressed charges. So you've been lawsuit'd
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
I copyright everything that has been, is being, and will be said in this thread.

I also copyright this idea.
I am the copyright office, and I reject all copyright requests made from this thread

oh, and I personally copyright myself
<insert (something) here>
Originally Posted by Faolan View Post
I am the copyright office, and I reject all copyright requests made from this thread

oh, and I personally copyright myself

I have just registered that as a Registered Trademark of CMon.

Expect my army of lawyers.
Brown Belt (Phail)
Age: 14
Specialty: Eating and sleeping
Sheep-employment: Combo Breaker.. ?
Analysis: Lazy ass hole that constantly says idiotic things and sucks balls at Toribash.
Favorites: My Imaginary friends, my Computer, and that beautiful ass I'll never get. Oh and Ralph. Fucking right.
Non-favorites: Fags, tobacco, custom mods, allergies.
Expect Demonsoul6 to say: The unexpected.