Ryan Moderated Message: |
Rai Moderated Message: |
what is the badmin laughing at? |
Faint Moderated Message: |
Ryan Moderated Message: |
stewfew terrio |
Staff members. :>
Both the squids and gms do a lot of heavy lifting. Same with smods.
Otherwise probably insanity. That dude markets so hard.
Fish, hanz0, suomynona, siku and Tarlan are the busiest, if the ban list is anything to go by.
Jarmund: 11215
JarmundBot: 10940
Fish: 2575
hanz0: 822
suomynona: 735
siku: 609
Tarlan: 609
(Jarmund doesn't count because he uses aimbot).
interesting, would have expected hanz0 and suos count to be higher. Were the ban counts affected by the roll back?