Originally Posted by Divine View Post
The US's national debt is 18 trillion yes, but their revenue is 6 trillion making it a 1/3 fraction which is pretty small and not a huge overload of debt like you're trying to make it out to be. I'd also advise you to check out this site which shows the debt of countries all over the world compared to the us. They might not be as much in debt as you think, bud.

Do you know how many 0's a trillion has ?
We're not talking about other countries and it's irrelevant, the thread is about the USA, probably because their military presence in those countries is redundant and in the center of the conflicts. Tho, we did mention a few other western countries because the USA isn't the only country in that position and taking advantage of the complicated geopolitic situation of the middle-east, indeed.
Still they have a debt they'll never be able to repay, the american people suffer the consequences of a ruthless and uncontrolled financial system while the government spends trillions on the US army in order to control ressources in a region they (and other western countries) fucked up.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Next you just go on the make assumptions without having any real arguments. If were at war against a terrorist group or defending an ally were going to station troops in those places. Yes we may take advantage of the national resources and that may persuade us to go over there, but were going to station troops where were defending allies or at war, its not that difficult of a concept.

How is making a shit tone of money when you control large amount of ressources an assumption ?
And that's where you miss the point I think : they do not "defend their allies" and "ho look, some oil, maybe we could take a little" ; those countries are their "allied" precisely because there are a shitload of natural ressources in that area, ressources that USA don't have. They WANT those ressources. That's why they make allies and use pretexts to occupy the region.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
The government uses terrorism as a strawman? Do you really even know what a strawman is? Terrorism isnt a fucking argument, that can be set up. Them literally coming over to us and openly physically attacking us isnt a fucking argument bud. They literally started the war, and then we took the war to them. We're not going in to make peace, were going in because were at war. The end goal is peace but the current goal is beating them in the war.

I didn't say a "strawman argument", I said "a strawman", the fake human-shapped thingy made with straw we put in fields to scare birds (people, in my poor analogy). I'm not saying terrorism is fake tho, I'm saying they use it to scare people and forge an emotional opinion.

They started the war ? You'll have to give some solid sources for that one. If you're talking about 9/11, I invite you to make some research and find out the military presence of the US in those regions goes way back, wayyy before 2001.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
We have several allies thanks, and seeing as the middle east is a high conflict zone we have troops over there constantly to defend them.

That's not how it works. They didn't make alliances because they like them and put military bases there in order to gently help them as allies. They made "alliances" IN ORDER TO put military bases there, because the US needs those bases there, because they need those ressources. Do you know how wrong the US economy would turn without the middle-east's oil ?

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
You ever heard of 9/11 bud? Like?......

Yes ? So if 6% of the terrorist attacks have been made by islamic extremists, have you heard of the rest ?

And even then, how is that a viable reason to be used to occupy countries and kill people who don't have anything to do with the attack which happened 14 years ago. Because emotions... It's easy to justify and legitimate everything when you use people's emotions, that doesn't make it right nonetheless.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
That was before they were a Islamic extremist/terrorist group and since they've turned all funding has been cut off. We funded them to help overthrow their corrupt governement but since then they've been unable to handle the power and have become corrupt themselves. You also act like the US is the only country who has done this, two other notable countries who have done something similar is Australia funding al-Shabaab and Germany funding Hamas.

They were already jihadists and extremists when they financed them, but they were usefull jihadists because they could be used to fight the soviets who invaded Afghanistan. It wasn't in order to overthrow a corrupt government, they didn't care much about Afghanistan, they cared about the Soviet Union at that time. And since they didn't care, the Taliban took the leadership of Afghanistan and shit ensued, thanks for the help. Afghanistan got fucked up and the USA financed fanatics who hate them, good job. Anyway, that's not the only time/country they messed up, I refer you to Oracle's post if you're interested in the matter.

I'm not debating w/ oracle since hes mainly talking to zenboy. I'm directly replying to deprav's response to me.

Well you shouldn't, I'm not only adressing my answer to you but to anyone who shares that opinion, it's a discussion board not a PM exchange. Oracle wrote a pretty precise description of the situation I'm trying to show you, and there probably is much more to be told.
Last edited by deprav; Sep 16, 2015 at 06:44 AM.
Ight homies, i don't have a lot of time right now (like I'm really under a pretty heavy workload) but you guys seem to be pretty content.

I'll try to get to both oracle and depravs arguments but it might take a day or two. Hopefully I can find some time later but I just wanted to say I might not be able to give a full blown rebuttle for a little bit, sorry.

I didn't really want to get into a full arguement when this started, just discredit the bullshit but you guys just keep going.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Just some friendly advice: if you don't have much time to post here, don't spend all of it explaining how little time you have to post here.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Where's your evidence? You can't just say 'your argument is not historically accurate'. Especially when I've linked everyone a book listing 50+ examples of America intervening in the self-determination of other countries.

Maybe people are blaming the West because they have legitimate complaints. There's no smoke without fire. You don't hate something without a reason.

Do you really believe that the West hasn't been the cause for the instability we have today in the Middle East and Africa? If so, pls explain.

lol not sure if serious.

Originally Posted by HiPower View Post
if someone is about to commit suicide, is it okay to murder them?

if someone is masturbating, is it alright to just go ahead and fuck them?

When did I ever make such an argument? All I said was that blaming the west for something that isn't their fault is incorrect.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Links pls. lel.

African countries/states/boundaries have been created and delimited by european countries during the colonisation and post-colonisation. A lot of tribes/people got separated or put together with "ennemy" tribes... the geopolitics behind African boundaries is source of conflict. Was it done on purpose in order to control easily is another question, it's still the fault of the occident.

I'll take France as an exemple because that's what I know the most : our leading politics have supported and maintained african dictators in their respective countries for decades, in order to keep their hands on african natural ressources (oil, uranium...), and money to finance their campaigns or sit their political position, or supported/financed rebels to putsch unwanted dictator(s) and replace it with a more french-friendly one... with all the shady affairs surfacing a few years later, politics involved in money laundry and/or traffic and all that shiet. Brilliant stuff.

This is modern colonialism, this is how "powerful" countries and leaders became powerful, that's how the occident built itself. France sucked and still sucks north Africa dry, England got the southern part of Africa, and the rest of european countries got everything inbetween (and now China is involved). How is that not historically accurate ? It's in every history books or manuals.
More than that, this is the very essence of "power" and control : "divide and conquer". Those are the foundations of our world-wide financial system, step on other people's faces or get stomped. Countries, leaders and lobbyists just paddle in the general direction of the shit stream we're trying to sail ; for the glory of their nation and international competition or for their own purse, the race for ressources before everything is bled dry.

It's the exact same situation in the Middle-East, except it's not Europe (well the UN does military assists) but the US doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons.

Saying occidental countries are "the good guys" and help other poor countries because we're good guys and we feel like that's what we must do is either excessively naive, or efficient brainwashing... or maybe both.

You expect me to provide links when you make an offhand incredibly sweeping statement without any logic to back it up? Why should I be required to prove a negative?

What are you talking about exactly? The Sao? Invaded by muslims and converted to Islam. The Kanem? Invaded by muslims and converted to Islam. Ancient Egypt? Conquered by the Persians. Nubia? Subverted by the Egyptians and the Assyrians. Carthage? Wrecked by the Romans after instigating 3 wars. Berbers? Islam. Somalia? Arabs. Aksum? Persians. Shilluk? Ottoman/Sudanese/British colonization (holy fuck the west is evil, oh wait the Shilluk were absorbed into Sudan and it was a good thing after decades of anarchy, looting, being raided, etc). Baguirmi? Conquered by the Bornu. Bornu? Civil war/holy war (perpetrated by the Fula).Fula? Burned themselves out with self-destructive warfare against the Bamana, only to be enslaved by the Futanke. Bamana? Self-desctructive warfare against the Fula. Futanke? Forced absorption into the Toucouleur, aka "Tijaniyya Jihad state", only to fall in successive attempts to attack the French in West Africa (omg how dare the French not roll over and die!).

So how about you be more specific than "the west did it", because, although I do enjoy the idea that Africa was a peaceful utopia before western influence, in actual fact that entire region (Africa + Asia Minor) is a whole mess of constant conquests, jihads and warfare. Even within living memory there have been tribes engaged in warfare, slavery, etc in the region - a tradition that spreads back to time immemorial.

And yet you want to blame the relatively recent western colonization? Westerns "invading" to build infrastructure, educate the population, provide food, water, etc is not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, and neither does western trading with African nations that are doing "bad" things cause the blame to rest solely on the west.

In recent history a country has supported another country because it's in their best interests even though you personally don't like the other country? Big whoop mate, you want to place the blame solely on supporters rather than those who actually do the work? For every example you can find of a western nation supporting/financing rebels you could probably find a dozen African nations doing the same.

It should be telling that the only African nations that have a real semblance of stability are ones that are western supported.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
lol not sure if serious.

Am serious. Don't be such a child.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Putting the blame on the west is a new meme, it's not historically accurate.

This past century in the Middle East has been defined by its exploitation by the West. This is orthodox history bro. If you've got some revisionist ideas about this then I'd love to hear them. If most historians and analysts are wrong about this, then I think it'd be important to hear what you have to say.
Last edited by Ele; Sep 16, 2015 at 06:39 PM.
The "Links pls" was a joke, because that's your speciality to ask people for link for anything and everything.

Also, are you really taking exemple of conquests and conflicts which happened like a 500 to 1000 years ago to explain today's modern conflicts and fucked up geopolitical situation of those regions ? The most recent stuffs you mentionned are like 200 years old. Wow big surprise, some empires were at war with other empires, and some tribes were at war with other tribes. This happened all over the world, not only in middle-east/africa/south-asia, every single country has an history of war and conquest. But we ain't all in the middle-east's situation, are we ? Because we don't sit on a shitload of natural ressources.

I never said Africa was a peaceful utopia before western influence, I even mentionned ennemy tribes in one of my previous post. Ennemy tribes put together in on country with boundaries delimited by western countries who were sharing the lands without any consideration for the war history of those tribes and the future consequences.
And what do you want me to be more specific about ? You already have quite some modern and recent exemples of western countries occupying those regions in previous posts, or google, or books.

Yes I blame the recent western colonization. Because as the western countries industrialized themselves and broke out of their own circle of conflicts, they kept and keep sucking african and middle-east ressources, and built their economy and power on it.
Building infrastructure and helping them is like patting them on the shoulder with one hand while you're robbing and stabbing them with the other hand. Those countries could have developped on their own pretty well if we didn't steal all their ressources and kept them in misery in order to control them easily. So yes, western countries had and have a huge influence on the present situation, even more considering modern jihadists and insurgents were born as a response to western occupation.

"And yet you want to blame the relatively recent western colonization? Westerns "invading" to build infrastructure, educate the population, provide food, water, etc is not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, and neither does western trading with African nations that are doing "bad" things cause the blame to rest solely on the west."

The people who actually helped African/Middle-East countries the most are Non Governmental Organisations, people who actually feel bad for what western countries did to those regions.
Like Divine, do you really think western countries occupy those regions in order to bring help and then, eventually, trade their natural ressources fairly ? Sweet carebear world m8.

"It should be telling that the only African nations that have a real semblance of stability are ones that are western supported."

They ALL have or had western intervention/occupation/support. What do you mean by stable ? peace ? decent life standard ? democracy ? solid economy ?
If you could give a concrete exemple that'd be cool.

Do you know what you sound like ? You sound like self-righteous colonialists 150 years ago, thinking the people in that region are lesser humans incapable of peace and civilization, and the civilized people that we are must show them how to live properly like civilized people. I know (hope) that's not what you think, but you really need to look back at what you said.
Last edited by deprav; Sep 16, 2015 at 07:38 PM.
-snip- (supermassive image)

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The group didn't bomb civilians, they flew planes into buildings. The group was lead by a Saudi national heading a group based in Afghanistan, yet we invaded Iraq. The group is also a minority of both countries and claimed no cities, yet we bombed cities anyways. So get your statements right, and no, it was not a fair retaliation.

They didnt bomb civilians just flew planes into buildings. Never mind the 2,606 people in or near the towers including fire fighters, residents of new york, employees of or Marsh Inc, employees of Cantor Fitzgeral L.P., Employees of Aon Corp, police officers, and paramedics, not to mention the 246 passengers, not only that but the 194 pentagon employees died during the crash into the pentagon never actually died. They just went and bombed some random tower in the middle of the pacific as a test. No one actually died or got hurt. Let's not forget the many more that could have died if they succeeded in the bombing of the White House. Nahhhhhhh, they didn't bomb us.
They were bombed by al-Qeada, and its way too obvious how desperately you tried not mentioning their name. Anyway nice try though bud, we didnt invade Iraq to fight al-Qaeda we invaded Iraq to stop the threat of Saddam Hussein 's programs for developing weapons of mass destruction and passing them on to al-Qaeda... This operation was not only done by us but also by the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland. al-Qaeda now also occupies one of Iraqs biggest cities Mosul, which could have been stopped potentially stopped.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Yet we will do nothing to Israel, which has a history of encroaching on the territory of their neighbors and routinely discriminates against non-Jewish Israelis. And Baghdad is the capital of Iraq.

I want you to guess, just guess who one of our biggest allies is that also happens to be in the middle east. I'll even give you a hint it starts is Is and ends with rael. They didnt start on offense, they get attacked then we helped them and they won the defense then moved to offense.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Since 1970, Afghanistan has underwent exactly 3 major wars. First, the war against the Soviet Union, where the U.S. funded organisations in their fight against the Soviet Union, like our good friends the Taliban. Second, a civil war, which was fueled by Pakistani, Saudi, and Iranian interests. Third, the U.S. invasion, where we fought our wonderful friends the Taliban. In all of these situations, Afghanistan instigated the fight exactly once, and that was during their civil war. And we indirectly influenced or caused ALL of these wars from happening.

We fought that war as a proxy war against Russia and pretty common tactic that larger countries use smaller countries to fight against their opposition. Other notable proxy wars are the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Chinese Civil War. While I'm not denying that we did fund Iraq we funded a rebel group wanting to fight the Russians then later became a corrupt terrorist organization. Though they still decided to become corrupt on there own mind you.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Furthermore, Al Qaeda had no military capabilities to capture and hold territory for any extended period of time. Second, ISIS formed because the U.S. backed government in Afghanistan run by Karzai routinely discriminated against Sunnis, and a good portion of the ISIS army are former Sunni soldiers from the Afghan army. America indirectly caused the birth of ISIS because of the stupid diplomatic decision to let Karzai continue the conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Lol? [X][X][X][X][X]
Oh, I'm sorry maybe we should have invaded in an attempt to stop the conflict? Or maybe we should have funded the other side which later turned into Isis? At the end US intervention had very little to due with the founding of Isis.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Afghanistan had peace. They had an insurgency, but it was generally peaceful for them. Iraq had peace. They were under a dictatorship, but they had peace. It all changed when America attacked. Now they have several active insurgencies, most of which are anti-American and are fueled by the continued occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Apparently we didn't learn from the Soviets or the British and realized that occupying either of these countries tends to result in a severe, protracted guerrilla war with an incredibly proud populace that has always, in their entire history in the region, resisted any foreign occupation to the death.

Ah yes, Afghanistan had peace... We just dont talk about the civil wars that have been going on there since 1929-the present day, the assassinations of there leaders, the constant wars they fight in, but they had peace... Iraq had loads of peace, I mean unless you count the almost continuous string of wars they fight in, but don't worry their dictator who was wildly condemned for how brutal he was, who executed almost all of his political opponents, and killed over 20,000 of his own people, ya him, he was peaceful at least. Everything changed when America attacked though! Damn Americans and their funding of us rebels attempting to overthrow our murderous and dictatorous governments.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The Middle East doesn't want America's interference. They want to solve their own problems without a bunch of trifling white men having their say in the matter. The region as a whole has been burned by white men making promises that they don't keep since World War 1. They're tired of Western meddling.

Ya Iraq doesn't want our help! And we do nothing to help Afghanistan either!

I'll post my response to deprav later.
Last edited by Ele; Sep 17, 2015 at 05:34 AM.

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إد هو العاهرة
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
They didnt bomb civilians just flew planes into buildings. Never mind the 2,606 people in or near the towers including fire fighters, residents of new york, employees of or Marsh Inc, employees of Cantor Fitzgeral L.P., Employees of Aon Corp, police officers, and paramedics, not to mention the 246 passengers, not only that but the 194 pentagon employees died during the crash into the pentagon never actually died. They just went and bombed some random tower in the middle of the pacific as a test. No one actually died or got hurt. Let's not forget the many more that could have died if they succeeded in the bombing of the White House. Nahhhhhhh, they didn't bomb us.
They were bombed by al-Qeada, and its way too obvious how desperately you tried not mentioning their name. Anyway nice try though bud, we didnt invade Iraq to fight al-Qaeda we invaded Iraq to stop the threat of Saddam Hussein 's programs for developing weapons of mass destruction and passing them on to al-Qaeda... This operation was not only done by us but also by the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland. al-Qaeda now also occupies one of Iraqs biggest cities Mosul, which could have been stopped potentially stopped.

There is so much wrong with what you just said. First, it doesn't matter that I named the group that attacked as Al-Qaeda, if you know anything about them you could gather who I was talking about when I described them. Second, it's already been established that Iraq was not producing weapons of mass destruction (they were producing, and had used, chemical weapons (, but chemical weapons =/= weapons of mass destruction). Third, the claims that the Bush administration made the Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda were in cahoots was debunked, as the meeting that took place between representatives of these parties resulted in no cooperation between the two parties ( Lastly, ISIS is not Al Qaeda, nor does Al Qaeda want to be affiliated with them (

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
I want you to guess, just guess who one of our biggest allies is that also happens to be in the middle east. I'll even give you a hint it starts is Is and ends with rael. They didnt start on offense, they get attacked then we helped them and they won the defense then moved to offense.

Israel didn't initially own the West Bank or Gaza. They now own them because of preemptive attacks against Egypt and Jordan, and they are considered occupied lands to this day. They entirely started the offensive.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
We fought that war as a proxy war against Russia and pretty common tactic that larger countries use smaller countries to fight against their opposition. Other notable proxy wars are the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Chinese Civil War. While I'm not denying that we did fund Iraq we funded a rebel group wanting to fight the Russians then later became a corrupt terrorist organization. Though they still decided to become corrupt on there own mind you.

Why do you think they fought the Soviet Union? Because they wanted democracy? Fuck no, they wanted the Soviet Union to get the fuck out of their country. There was no democracy before the Soviet Union occupied them, and there was none when they were finally repulsed. In addition, the Afghan Taliban aren't even considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Lol? [X][X][X][X][X]
Oh, I'm sorry maybe we should have invaded in an attempt to stop the conflict? Or maybe we should have funded the other side which later turned into Isis? At the end US intervention had very little to due with the founding of Isis.

First, read my post again. "...capture and hold for an extended period of time..." How long did Al Qaeda hold Fallujah and Ramadi? They held it on and off for 3 years. They last held it in 2007. You can hardly call 3 years any extended period of time

More importantly, we DID fund the other side. We funded and held up the Karzai government in Afghanistan, and Karzai's inept handling of uniting the Sunni and Shiite Muslims, something he was explicitly placed in power to accomplish, lead a decent-sized minority of the Sunni population to become radicalized and form groups such as ISIS.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Ah yes, Afghanistan had peace... We just dont talk about the civil wars that have been going on there since 1929-the present day, the assassinations of there leaders, the constant wars they fight in, but they had peace... Iraq had loads of peace, I mean unless you count the almost continuous string of wars they fight in, but don't worry their dictator who was wildly condemned for how brutal he was, who executed almost all of his political opponents, and killed over 20,000 of his own people, ya him, he was peaceful at least. Everything changed when America attacked though! Damn Americans and their funding of us rebels attempting to overthrow our murderous and dictatorous governments.

Looking through the lens of Western culture, of course you would say Iraq was not peaceful. But you have to understand the culture of the area. When you took power, you killed you opposition because to do otherwise was considered a sign of weakness, and invited a swift, and strong, rebellion.

Second, if we're going to list a bunch of wars with no context as to who was the aggressor in any of them, how about listing the exceedingly greater number of wars the United States has participated in?

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Ya Iraq doesn't want our help! And we do nothing to help Afghanistan either!

Because Nouri al-Mailiki literally received his position because of U.S. intervention. And your second link is about the reduction of funding being provided by the U.S. for education. Seems kind of contrary to what you seem to be implying that America is doing. In fact, it seems more from that link that America viewed assistance to Afghanistan as a pet project while they were still occupying it. Which isn't a bad thing, considering they felt the need to appropriate over $100 billion in rebuilding the country after they bombed it. So I would say if the U.S. wasn't doing it to begin with that would be morally wrong, paying back for damages the U.S. has caused is morally appropriate.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Am serious. Don't be such a child.

This past century in the Middle East has been defined by its exploitation by the West. This is orthodox history bro. If you've got some revisionist ideas about this then I'd love to hear them. If most historians and analysts are wrong about this, then I think it'd be important to hear what you have to say.

Still not sure if you are being serious (there is no way you just unloaded all those fallacies with a straight face, but I digress), if you really are, go and read the chain of replies again and realise your mistake.

I have no interest in being baited into a nonsense argument.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Also, are you really taking exemple of conquests and conflicts which happened like a 500 to 1000 years ago to explain today's modern conflicts and fucked up geopolitical situation of those regions ? The most recent stuffs you mentionned are like 200 years old. Wow big surprise, some empires were at war with other empires, and some tribes were at war with other tribes. This happened all over the world, not only in middle-east/africa/south-asia, every single country has an history of war and conquest. But we ain't all in the middle-east's situation, are we ? Because we don't sit on a shitload of natural ressources.

Well I was replying to "Most of those countries are in a shit situation because occidental empires/countries fucked them up for their own profit in the first place. Africa and Middle-East have been divided and exploited for a lonnnng time." so yeah obviously I'm going to be talking about things from more than living memory (although I did also talk about things from living memory).

If you think trouble in Africa/Asia Minor started in the last 100 years then really I don't know what to say to you, that is such an absurd thing to say that there's no argument to make against it. Not even a shred of logic or evidence supports that conclusion, and if you came to it then you willingly ignored the 1000s of years of history and literally anything you could have read on the subject.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I never said Africa was a peaceful utopia before western influence, I even mentionned ennemy tribes in one of my previous post. Ennemy tribes put together in on country with boundaries delimited by western countries who were sharing the lands without any consideration for the war history of those tribes and the future consequences.
And what do you want me to be more specific about ? You already have quite some modern and recent exemples of western countries occupying those regions in previous posts, or google, or books.

Such things have been happening since the beginning of time all over the world, why are you putting special significance on this event?

See: Incan Empire, Germany in the early 1940s, Canada, etc ad infinitum.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Yes I blame the recent western colonization. Because as the western countries industrialized themselves and broke out of their own circle of conflicts, they kept and keep sucking african and middle-east ressources, and built their economy and power on it.
Building infrastructure and helping them is like patting them on the shoulder with one hand while you're robbing and stabbing them with the other hand. Those countries could have developped on their own pretty well if we didn't steal all their ressources and kept them in misery in order to control them easily. So yes, western countries had and have a huge influence on the present situation, even more considering modern jihadists and insurgents were born as a response to western occupation.

That's a perversion of history.

Western countries did no such thing, they invested resources in African nations to spread prosperity. Colonies are, generally speaking, huge money sinks, and while you could say they are power projections the end result is cultural and economic stimulus and a fast track into the modern era.

Jihadists and insurgents would exist regardless of western occupation. Again, why are you putting special significance on this event? If you know even a small amount about Africa then you know that jihads and rebels are damn common, they existed before western occupation so why would it be such a surprise that they existed during?

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
The people who actually helped African/Middle-East countries the most are Non Governmental Organisations, people who actually feel bad for what western countries did to those regions.
Like Divine, do you really think western countries occupy those regions in order to bring help and then, eventually, trade their natural ressources fairly ? Sweet carebear world m8.

That's not true at all. Which NGO built roads in Namibia? Which NGO stabilized SA? Come on, what an absurd argument to make.

Additionally, grouping Africa and Middle-East in this context is absurd, the situation is different in each. Some (read: few) Middle-East countries have been occupied by combined forces, but they didn't do it for the purposes of looting natural resources. Don't lump geographically similar conflicts together just because they are nearby. The instigation of the Gulf War is different to the Afghanistan War which is different to the constant tribal wars in Arabia. Africa was never "occupied" in this sense in the first place (colonization is not the same as occupation, not even by a long shot).

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
They ALL have or had western intervention/occupation/support. What do you mean by stable ? peace ? decent life standard ? democracy ? solid economy ?
If you could give a concrete exemple that'd be cool.

Sure, South Africa vs West Africa.

One is a major emerging economy, the other still has slavery. You can guess which one has had more "harmful evil western influence".

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Do you know what you sound like ? You sound like self-righteous colonialists 150 years ago, thinking the people in that region are lesser humans incapable of peace and civilization, and the civilized people that we are must show them how to live properly like civilized people. I know (hope) that's not what you think, but you really need to look back at what you said.

And you sound like a revisionist trying to paint the west as evil monsters who'd kill a baby for a dollar.

Wars are fought all the time, countries are conquered, empires toppled. Placing special significance on certain conflicts and ignoring reality is wilful vandalism of history. The original quote that I replied to claimed that the west was to blame for the trouble, I disagree on the basis that events that are claimed as proof of this trouble have existed since as far back as we know.

Also I disagree with the idea that technology/culture/prosperity shouldn't be shared. Sorry but this is an argument that just seems so absurd, you really think that it would be a good thing if we were still cavemen living hand to mouth and bashing animals with rocks whenever we got the chance? You think that is better than modern civilization? Sorry mate but there's no way I can imagine that you made that argument in anything but jest. There are still parts of Africa and the Middle East where people literally live in mud huts. Advancement is a good thing, and yes this means that if one person knows something more than another they should share it.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
More importantly, we DID fund the other side.

The alternatives to funding are invasion, or pretending nothing bad is happening.

Admonishing the US for not having a crystal ball is absurd. They are funding the Iraqi army, the Israelis, training with Sk and the Japs, there are countless much much bigger successes than there are failures. Do you have any idea just how many entities receive funding from the USA? Odds are yes, some turn.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Sep 17, 2015 at 06:03 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Still not sure if you are being serious (there is no way you just unloaded all those fallacies with a straight face, but I digress), if you really are, go and read the chain of replies again and realise your mistake.

I have no interest in being baited into a nonsense argument.

I'll have your Discussion access removed if you're going to keep acting like this.