Originally Posted by
suicide isnt sensible, no one lives in pain for a whole life,
So it is sensible to recover from pain and restore life.
psychologically speaking - that statement is not so true.
Most suffering is psychological, so a lifelong psychological suffering can be met with suicide.
To tell someone who knows permanent suffering that it is not permanent is mroe likely to set them off than to convince them that your words have more validity than their life experiences.
The fact is a suicidal person is there, has arrived at this point, for a SERIES of logical and rational reasons, but the fact is we treat it like they are not logical or rational - which only fuels feelings of inadequacy, invalidity, and neglect.
WE, the GROUP are collectively responsible for an individual's feelings of suicide by our own social behaviors and "norms".
"The world is an evil place, not because people do evil things, but because they look on and do nothing about them"
~ Einstein quote of the day.
Suicidal thoughts in individuals occurs when that individual has lost hope of the social norm ever being healthy.
Homicidal thoughts occur when an individual is repetitively exposed to violent experiences and environments, or abused themselves.
Directly or even psychologically, we are ALL inflicted by abusive "norms".
Some of us entertain thoughts of solutions, while others consign to the depravity, and embrace the sickness.
This is considered the "healthy" and normal way to cope with life.
Those of us who seek to heal the sickness, solve the equation, or end the harmful practices are outnumbered by those of us who consign to the evil.
"The world is an evil place, not because people do evil things, but because they look on and do nothing about them"
~ Einstein quote of the day.
So we often give up and look for escaping the problem.
But for each one of us who gives up, ten more arise and awaken to the plight that one person gave up on. Healing of sickness and unhealthy social norms.
So when i hear about suicide, i get kind of excited. not because i hope they'll hurt themselves, but because i hope they'll fight back.
Last edited by SuicideDo; Oct 20, 2015 at 11:27 PM.