Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Well there we go now we are back to what my post asked which was what kind of free will we are talking about and it seems now we are on the product of your environment kind of free will.

Product of your environment I view is a majority thing, and really depends on the person. First things first people are different and will react to the same things differently, and my main point is that there are many exceptions to the product of your environment. I personally know a few people who grew up in very very very shitty homes but now attend college and instead of letting their terrible upbringing consume them they just distanced themselves from it and used as an example of what not to do.

No, it's not just about your environment. It's a whole multitude of factors (that I've identified earlier in this thread) that contributes to why you make the decisions you make, and why you couldn't possibly have made any different decisions. Using your example, that person was always going to make the correct decisions they made to get out of poverty because that person is that person.

I don't think you understand what I'm getting at (not trying to be a dick or anything). I feel my previous explanation and my whole last post in general sums up what I'm talking about when I'm talking about free will. Replaced 'genetics' with 'upbringing' so it applies to you.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Mhm. It's not just genetics upbringing that determines the decision making though, it's also their environment + experiences. Easy way to think of it is nature+nurture. Going back to Hitler, if you took his place, instead of actually being him, then history would've turned out differently. If you were Hitler, then it would remain the same.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
If you grew up as Hitler, the argument goes that you would make all the same decisions that he did. That there was never any other way for things to play out other than how they happened is what they mean by 'free will doesn't exist'.

Last edited by Ele; Oct 30, 2015 at 01:49 PM.
I agree with you coco on some parts of that post but i believe that the way some came up is essentially what makes the person like if you are born in a rich house hold you are mostly likely have a easyer time doing what you want in life and in the same way there are cause and effcts to this like life lessons you might miss out on (the value of a dollar) ect if you have dyslexia you learn a way to work around the disability to achieve what you want and depending on the severity and other variables i believe that the person learning to over come the problem or disability will almost always be the same as long as all the variables are equal
But that cannot ever be proven really but unless there is something more to humans (special) that should be correct
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
consciousness is just consciousness its just you being alive you being able to live and move around i don't think there are is anything spiritual going on even though i guess we all would like to think we are special in our own ways
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
well yes I agree with ele

In order for someone to predict the exact decisions of a human being with 100% precision you would have to know about every particle in the entire universe, because your brain alone isn't the only thing that will affect your judgement, everything you touch, look at and feel will be added to your personal experiences, and everything you touch, look at and feel will already be affected by other things already (the butterfly effect)

So therefore your mind can also change at any time depending on what you observe, feel or experience, but this new "input" has to override the reasoning you already have acquired in order for it to change your actions, if the action is black and white, do or don't, will or will not.

If you would only share the experiences of Hitler not the genes you would not do the exact same things he did. You might have been worse or better than Hitler.
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 30, 2015 at 04:22 PM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
well yes I agree with ele

In order for someone to predict the exact decisions of a human being with 100% precision you would have to know about every particle in the entire universe, because your brain alone isn't the only thing that will affect your judgement, everything you touch, look at and feel will be added to your personal experiences, and everything you touch, look at and feel will already be affected by other things already (the butterfly effect)

So therefore your mind can also change at any time depending on what you observe, feel or experience, but this new "input" has to override the reasoning you already have acquired in order for it to change your actions, if the action is black and white, do or don't, will or will not.

If you would only share the experiences of Hitler not the genes you would not do the exact same things he did. You might have been worse or better than Hitler.

There is a chance that there are "different types of consciousness".
This means a different consciousness in the exact same space/time/hitler would result in a different, although strongly similar, hitler/history.

For example, i am consciously aware of my conscious awareness. not all consciousness is aware, much less self aware.

How does that affect decision making?
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Consciousness means being aware, by definition. Being consciously aware is the same as being aware of your awareness. Saying you are aware of your awareness of being aware of being aware of something is unnecessarily complicating the matter. Saying that if hitler was aware of different things (e.g. that the Jews weren't conspiring to take over the world) then he would of acted differently is obvious.

Just trying to highlight why you need to make sure that what you think your statement means is the same as what it actually means.
Last edited by Zelda; Oct 30, 2015 at 06:07 PM.
Good morning sweet princess

Humanity is on the verge of monumental discovery, about ourselves and the universe we inhabit. Science has progressed to a time, now, that the elemental aspects of matter do not behave in a predictable manner. Science has encountered the mystical, the indefinable.
Max Planck (1858-1947), noteworthy physicist said -

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."

Quantum physics sciences are catching up to Conscious Awareness and Free Will.

These "things" have yet to be identified or analyzed in physics.

Because they are not within physics.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Honestly i don't believe that someone/thing has predetermined our fate but our brains/ environments do make us do the things we do It's kinda like a random wind up toy you find on the floor you don't know what it's gonna do but what ever it is going to do happened cause something that made it that way just like how we were made