Holy cow, This is great stuff, Creative way to Manip. Those Bb-boy just nutz. Creative Dms good shet
Your style looks superb in this gravity, I love seeing your abs bend and legs move, it looks very unique in this replay. Maybe it is from your tricking habits but you have cool midair movement, which I am guessing most people used to lighter gravity don't have.
this is a great replay
cool spins
the move at 550 was spectacular and ive never seen anything like it
only bad things i could say are floppy neck opener, minor twitchy movement at ~640 and the last dm was kinda meh cause grab dm
but keep in mind that this doesnt really detract from the replay its just nitpick
as pusga said, i've never seen anyone capitalizes their abs to do such movements, very unique and fucking cool.
Might as well call that replay Surgery, stuff made me sweat. I would go as far as to say you have redefined style in low grav. Excellent precision, taffy for the eyes. Very well done, welcome to ukebashing.