When I was young I watched the matrix, and so obviously the very next thing I did was google
"How to become a Hacker" :blush:
Don't judge, you were young once too ;-;.
Anyways I found
It is quite interesting, and I would recommend it for anyone who'd like to start coding.
Following it's advice, I first learnt
HTML5 and CSS3 from
www.htmldog.com . I DEFINATELY reccomend it, the tutorials are easy to follow and fun, and the site itself is well designed, making the whole experience that much more enjoyable. I used notepad, but have since moved onto
Notepad++, which is great.
I then moved on to
Python coding in Linux. This taught me a lot about using Terminal, as well as giving me a good idea of how to use Loops and other logics.
Python is a great first language. It's easy to use (quite High Level), and most of the commands are intuitive.
For Python on windows I recommend
Wing IDE. It's a great workspace for coding. Also it's free, which is always nice.
At the moment, I code primarily in
C++. It's a beautiful language, versatile and powerful.
Code::Blocks is a choice IDE for cpp. Also free.
I've researched smaller, lightweight languages like tcl and Lua, but haven't gotten very far in them. I find that Lua especially has much less Support on le interwebs, which is a bit of a turn-off.
Oh, and I'm completely self-taught off the internet. I have never received formal training, and therefore can't really compare the two different options.
I assume that it is harder to lose interest and quit learning a language if you have paid for the classes, which is probably a good thing.
much luvs, Mylk