That doesn't seem like a very open minded attitude to me.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree though, because I'm really not up for re-reading 7 articles, then digging up my own articles and statistics.

I'd just like to respond to one thing you mentioned here, which is pointing out that I seem to care more about some deaths than others, and I'd like to confirm that.
I care for people I relate to, and people in my vicinity, like any human does.
It goes me, then family, then relatives, then country, then western world.
Not saying anything else is not important, but it just isn't as high up in priorities.
PM me with any and all questions
uhh well everyone have a viewing point
i'll say it shortly
islam is not the issue that the world have this days, even if you know a bit of it you will see that any agressive movement against someone who didn't hurt you will have consequences from the religion itself
where i live we hear that usa is what made isis to destroy the middle east and somehow they lost controll of them
now terrorism is an issue for all the world. muslim,christian or whatever is your religion we have to stand toghether against it till its gone.
one more things: if islam is the issue why the fuck are the muslim countrys are the most damaged ?
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
one more things: if islam is the issue why the fuck are the muslim countrys are the most damaged ?

Because that is where there are the most Muslims.
Good morning sweet princess
i live in muslim country(Algeria)
90% of people religion here is islam and the terrorism effect the desert only where there is a way to low(almost unexist) population.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Good, you are making more coherent arguments now. So would you say it is more to do with the lack infrastructure and the lack of human interaction that comes with it which causes violent extremism? Or do you think it is something else?
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 31, 2016 at 03:09 PM.
Good morning sweet princess
yes, people in isolated places are easyer to trick and use for personal goals mostly because of the lack of knowledge and stuff.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Good, you are making more coherent arguments now. So would you say it is more to do with the lack infrastructure and the lack of human interaction that comes with it which causes violent extremism? Ir do you think it is something else?

That would also be a good tl;dr to what I tried to say.
Originally Posted by DashSora View Post
That would also be a good tl;dr to what I tried to say.

I was asking a question about what someone else thought because I wanted them to expand their argument. I made no actual arguments myself other than that Alphan00b's second post was an improvement on one of the points he made in his first.

As a rule, I tend to be more interested in getting people to expand on a point, be more clear, or provide more support for their points, than I am in the actual thread topic.
I feel like now might be a good time to talk about the troubles in Irland. When my parents were growing up, when you thought of terrorism you thought of Catholic extremists and the IRA. As far as I am aware (which may not be very far at all) Islam wasn't associated with terrorism until more recently. While the aims of the IRA are much less terrifying than that of ISIS, I would argue that the only reason the attacks were more localised than those of ISIS was because the West cared about the country they were in. If a bomb goes off in Ireland everyone is scared and angry, if a bomb goes off in the middle east then a lot of people don't even hear about it.

I know there are a lot of key differences between the two groups, but I wanted to try to show that other religions have been associated with terrorism as well.
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 31, 2016 at 03:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
I know there are a lot of key differences between the two groups, but I wanted to try to show that other religions have been associated with terrorism as well.

It's kind of a moot point isn't it? The point that terrorism isn't an exclusively Islamist concept? The cause for the increased frequency in terrorist attacks is Jihadism. It seems irrelevant to the topic to mention that other religions performed terrorist acts in the past.

Going to back to the argument about why Algeria (and other Muslim majority countries) isn't/aren't as affected as other Muslim majority countries - it comes down to the geopolitics. Algeria, and these other places you could point to, don't have the same political history as other places like Iraq and Syria. They haven't been 'charged' in the same way. A failed state (and its surrounding regions) is a great birthplace for conflict. If Europe suddenly failed, you could expect a similar level of shit to hit the fan.
Fuck Islam, shoot the migrants. /thread /terrorism

There's no mystery and higher meaning behind all this. A lot of arabs pour into Europe, ISIS hides it's agents/propaganda people behind the masses. Agents/Radicalized muslims start blowing up left and right. Welcome to the new age of Europe.

Before you tell me how inhumane it'd be to just start shooting people illegally crossing the border, I'd just point to the US border with Mexico, and tell you that a lot of Europeans (me included) would personally shoot the border hoppers in the face if it'd prevent another attack akin to Paris/Brussels from happening.
Last edited by ynvaser; Apr 1, 2016 at 12:47 AM.