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[Over][ES]Head Texture Of The Month VI

Aaaaand we're back with another Head Texture of the Month! You know what to do, so let's jump right into it!

We give you guys a theme to work with, and you have three weeks after launch to make a fantastic (512x512) head texture. The person who makes the head texture that best fits the judging criteria gets a 512x512 Head Texture Item as well as 30,000 tc and 4 st. Even if you don't come out on top, you have the opportunity to work with us and with each other to improve. Well, let’s get started!

- The winner will receive a 512x512 Head Texture Item + 180,000 Toricredits + 4 Shiai Tokens.
- As an optional prize, the winner will also be given the choice of creating the next month’s banner and thread art.
- Every month we gonna have a honourable mention who receive secret prizes.
- Winning entries and notable submissions will be happily advertised in the original post of the following month’s thread with the artists credited, as well as in a sticky thread in the Art forum.
- If you’re looking to establish yourself as an artist in the Toribash community, here’s your chance for publicity!

- Plagiarism is bad. It isn’t a matter of if we find out, it’s about when we find out. Don’t try your luck.
- If your submission looks like a joke, it will be completely ignored.
- A rough Sketch or WIP is required in order to prove that this is a head in progress and not a pre-made head that you are reposting.
- Do not submit/recycle old textures.
- Only 1 submission per month.
- Collaborations are fine, prize will be split in that situation.
- No Copy/Paste art allowed.

- You have until the 5th day of the month to post your entries.
- Submissions must be in 512x512 resolution or higher.
- Post your watermarked flats in this thread with spherical previews.
- To ensure the head is properly judged, please make your previews for the head clear, show all aspects of the head, and try to keep watermarks somewhat non-intrustive (while still being effective).
- You are encouraged to post frequent WIPs, just make sure to verify in your post what the final product is.

After the 5th day of the month, the submission window is closed and judging begins.
Your entries will be judged, based on these criteria:
-How well the idea fits the theme
-Uniqueness - think outside the box, it could be the difference between winning and losing.
-Execution of the idea

Once the judges have decided on a winner, a post will be made announcing the artist who won.
The post will also include CnC of other’s work to let the artists know what to improve on and what they did right.
The entries will be judged by The ES Team.

This month's theme is SPACE!
The vast expenses and its secrets

Deadline: 5th of July, 20:00 GMT+0

Previous Winners!

*Credit to Gbleek and pouffywall for their contributions to the event
*Credits to Krisis13 for the art
*Thanks to Turtle for donating 150k
Last edited by Reta; Jun 12, 2016 at 10:15 AM.

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

My head texture
This is the best i can do. Hope you like i.
Attached Images
My head texture.png (47.0 KB, 80 views)
th (1).jpg (10.9 KB, 27 views)
Originally Posted by KidJay View Post
This is the best i can do. Hope you like i.

lol, 2nd picture is like he copy the tatoo from google pictures)
trust me, this is not a joke, this is carl wheezer from jimmy nutron. the jimmy newtron movie took place in space.
Originally Posted by tyler112 View Post
here are my first wips lets see how it will turn out at the end ^^

wip 1-5

i think stalker won allready but however heres my last wip and my final entry ^^

wip 6


0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Oh man
This month we there were much more good entryes. I can't wait to see the winner.
Gl guys.
Pm me for deals