Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
unless it's like oh your wrong instead of making an entire speech of why you are wrong then it just gets annoying people making speeches because people dont really read the speeches they just read the first sentance like i do and so far i have made a crap load of grammatical errors but i'm just going to keep talking...typing, to make you read a speech which is completely 100% usless to read unless you care about reading useless things which have a crapload of mistakes and is complete spam now you are just reading spam ha!ljadfijalsdjfoibvjkljdaud;oijaskldjfsdijfsj. That brings us to another subject...spam. Spam is good spam is great spam is what we DON'T appreciate. I dont see why people find spam annoying because sometimes it is just funny unlike this right now it's just downright annoying. JIM-YAMI FTW!!!!!!also run-on sentences ftw too.

I'd like to write a reply to your post, it may be long, it may be a "speech" but I'd like to say it.

If I was to tell someone that they were wrong what would it achieve?

I'd have given my opinion on the subject but would have made no effort to convince others that they were wrong. What good is that? Did Martin Luther King say "Blacks are equal!" and leave it to that? No! Have you ever watched a TV program with a court case in it where the lawyer says "the client is not guilty, honest" and does not give a reason why? No!

You can't just tell people your opinion, nobody listens to it and it's a waste of breathe, you have to convince them into believing that your opinion is right, or atleast into sympathising with it.

This, in my opinion, is more desirable than both people getting annoyed at the other because all they know is theother's view, not why they have that view.

Also; I believe that most people do make some effort to read more than the first line of a long post. My original post wasn't even that long in the first place. If people don't have the time/effort to read about 10 lines of text relating to their clan, it's memebers and the clan's leader then what the (bleep) are you doing in the clan in the first place?

PS Congrats to anyone who made it to the bottom, you win an internets! And a few more opinions upon why we should share opinions. =]
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.
That sarcastic? =/

Did you make it to the bottom and clap? Or are you just applauding the sheer epic size of it?
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.
Originally Posted by Shin-Yami View Post
Don't post when you don't know the situation.

Really, i can change my name if i wish how is that stupid?

Get a sense of humor please, we are just having a joke. Also being forum active is spamming? Thats new.

Don't tell me how to do my job, i do much more than you and have yet to see you contribute as much as some other members have.

Hate to sound mean, but calling me out like that is bullshit.

I didn't say anything about your activeness. Its how your using that activeness... All those spam threads should go down :/
Originally Posted by AcidMan2007 View Post
I didn't say anything about your activeness. Its how your using that activeness... All those spam threads should go down :/

Spam threads?

I see none, please direct me to them.

I would rather be having fun with my clan than being a miserable git of a clan leader who only posts to say "DON'T FUCK AROUND OR I KICK YOU!".
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