Original Post
Revive Toribash
Toribash needs a revive, all it will take is a superficial update with flashy marketing/advertising, some swagged out videos. and then active moderating on beginner servers to keep out smurfs. with decent marketing and decent moderating 100% this game can get a revive, there is no other game competing against it.

Plz don't let it die slowly as its player base gets older and fades away.
The only reason this game has a small community is because it is a very difficult game to get the hang of, and not many people know about it, if we advertise he game and lets say... 100,000 people join from the ads right? 50k of them will get above black-belt and around 10-20 will reach 10th dan... and with high level players creating alts and going in beginner servers wrecking the new players, it makes the new people really unmotivated, some people though will take that challenge and get better, those are the ones that will stay. We need a system in place to stop high level players from meeting new players in those beginner servers.

so yeah....
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
I mentioned this type of thing to Smallbowl back when we were both GMs and had the freedom and ability to do anything about it (not so much when we switched to ES). Where we have some people go in and make sure that people were not smurfing in the beginner servers.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
maybe a community project to build an add campaign. we could get the art guys to do banners. convince some of the video making guys to do some tutorials that cover basic principles from major mods. hold some new player tournies. we could start it as a new years project. doing it this way would help ease new players into the game.
Preventing people from making millions of alts can be achieved if they force you to have a new unregistered email when making an account.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
regarding how many people will or can reach higher belts,
you can see this by the belts achievements:

4324012 people played 1 game to get white belt,from those 4 million only
753356 people played 20 games to get yellow belt,
31213 people played 1000 games to get black belt,just a mere
1781 people played 10k games to get 10th dan,833 ppl got master
and 579 got to custom

the worst part apparently are the 4 million players that abandoned the game
before even playing 20 games,but lets say they didn't understand the game,
they got hyped,they got bored etc.

in truth the worst part is later were you see dedicated players,that played
the game and they know the game,quitting.

so 2 major problems,the newly attracted players never start playing
and the older dedicated players stop after awhile for various reasons
This may trigger a few people, but i think putting ads in the forums would be a great source for money

And i agree with all that you guys say, the problem is that we have to bring this all through to the devs, which won't be too easy :/

About the update: i don't think the devs will make one, so the only possibility i see is if the community made one as fan project and brought it through to hampa, who then could release it
I think what should be introduced in this update for newcomers is a good tutorial
Last edited by Thronior; Dec 13, 2016 at 11:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I don't think advertisers will be jumping out their seats for the forum of a game played by <300 people.
Last edited by Rouxster; Dec 13, 2016 at 02:50 PM.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
advertisement will do nothing guys,just think of no man's sky,
what was advertised,what the players got and how many continued
to play,what was the result.
Well the 300 forum active people go to it like every hour or so, so that makes the advertisements be viewed really often, even tho It's by the same people.

And i see advertisements on pages with an even smaller number of visitors, so i don't really think they care anyways