Originally Posted by shook View Post
Oshi- You have a time machine or something? :O (J/K of course)

@DesertPunk: He should be somewhere in the marketplace, either being at his shop (something about Attire i think), or eating at Gary's Galley.

Also, Super Mutant Behemoths are NASTY. I spent like, several hundreds of Minigun shots on bringing the bastard down, and the Brotherhood of Steel was blazing away at it too >.>
I'm just glad that it never attacked me. It would probably have been a one hit kill.

Oh yes, and heed my warning: Minigun SUCKS in VATS. A lot. You're better off doing it FPS style. It does deplete both your ammo and your enemies health pretty rapidly though. And it's condition degrades rather quickly too.

Tip: Get Fat-Man [to annihiliate the Behemoths].

Just found Big Town. Super Mutants action up next. ;p
Glad to finally see people who actually like fallout 3,hopefully I'll get it as soon as I get some money,seems like a morrowind/farcry hybrid....*ignores oblivion*
The main storyline is quite short. To short imo. Even with only playing it on normal I felt like I was only surviving. Not that I'm complaining. I adored every min of it.I'm away to start it on very hard the morn and plan on doing more of the side missions.All of them eventually I reckon.

Had about 8 crashes throughout, but I didnt care. Loved the game and cant wait to get really involved in the extra missions, finding more vaults etc.

Main advice to people would be to level up lock picking skills and energy weapons. Hacking is good but not as vital as lock picking. Also agility is key as it gives you more VATS time. V.A.T.S ftw!!!

Did anyone else find the "running" speed a tad slow? Really got on my nerves.
Last edited by Ern; Nov 3, 2008 at 12:22 AM.
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
lol at first i had 8 crashes in 1 minute

I got it fixed now and i gotta say the fallout feeling is starting to return.
V.A.T.S isnt as bad as i thought it'll be. The side quests arent all FEDEX quests.
The running is a bit slow, i agree on that with Ern. The only thing i'm really missing are the random encounters. Fast travel would have been the perfect opportunity to implement those. Also, the heads arent attached to the torso after you got the bloody mess perk ^^ i keep shooting the legs and the head comes off as well...magic

The game is really growing on me, i wouldnt still be up at 5:22 am on a monday morning if it sucked.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Yes you do, I found him in the scrap lands in the first hour or two in the game
GrayMario: You dont say "FUCK YEAH" when you own a newbie!

Originally Posted by Bombdigidy View Post
Yes you do, I found him in the scrap lands in the first hour or two in the game

I've played for what's looking like 10 hours, if not more. No Dogmeat. I suppose i haven't been looking the right places :P
But hell, i gots mah POWERFIST, so if any trouble comes up, i'll just punch it in the face.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
level 11 atm, just finished the reilly's rangers quest, twas epic and the rewards are awesome (also, the quest building is full of stimpacks and check out the roof of the base)

I like the game, but it gets a bit repetitive