Changed colors and used your colors for the screenshot.
Tell me if you like this color so i can go on
Looks awesome! Please continue. I can't really judge the set only by the legs yet, but I like what I see so far.

Pate5: Sorry, don't like it. I can't even say why, but it's just not what I would want to have.
Last edited by Galrath; Nov 7, 2008 at 10:57 PM.
I wanna try this but i bet i realy can't beat g0lgo set anymore.
Must see if i can make this when i have free time :o.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Another shot, done triceps and biceps.
Stil have to do hands, feet and you want human-like hands or do you prefer them to look just as cubes?

Originally Posted by g0lg0 View Post
Another shot, done triceps and biceps.
Stil have to do hands, feet and you want human-like hands or do you prefer them to look just as cubes?

No human-like hands, cubes ftw. Hm, I don't know why but for some reason I don't really like that triceps and biceps. Maybe try keeping stuff round-ish. I fell in love with the legs though. They are damn smexy.

<Opeth> Tell him to make the arms more like the legs, more of a curvature, rather than straight.


But as I said before, you're on the right track.

I am, however, still waiting to see nacho and hanz0's tries (and of course some others). Last post from me today, good night.
Last edited by Galrath; Nov 8, 2008 at 12:39 AM.
Last shot for today: added feets, changed biceps and triceps.
Tmorrow I'll draw head and hands...lot of work here...fiuuuu.
naaice, nice stuff for a guy i cant stay iv seen befor
2 things tho:
the legs i think would look better if the design was facing the front instead of the sides
and the feet needs somethign on the sides and front, not much, but something

interested to see what youre gna do with the head

the orange is differant to noxiouse because the joints use a different shader compared to the body parts
or something along those lines
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Heh. I love the legs the way they are right now, so they don't really need change imo.

The feet are cool, but they seem a bit goldish to me. Maybe make them a bit more noxious-colored like the rest? The biceps looks good now the way it is... but is it the screenshot quality or is the biceps a bit unsharp? It looks like that to me, would be cool if it could be the same quality as the shins and thighs. But the biceps itself is good if it wasn't for the "low quality" i.e. unsharpness. I still don't like that kind of triceps. Hmm, maybe try something very simple for it, like a little noxious-white light reflection or something.

Sorry for being so selective about everything, but 150k is a lot you know and I don't plan on getting another texture set ever again. : p