When we talk about the "Wage Gap", people misquote an asinine statistic that women make .78 cents on the dollar that men do in the U.S. It's really bad math, because it willfully ignores the thousands of factors that contribute to how much money people make in their careers and does a raw comparison which isn't useful information. Whenever you actually select for equal candidates across the gender aisle, that gap diminishes to almost complete statistical significance.
The gap is as small as you can imagine as students get out of college, and widens in the early 30s where women tend to become mothers. Single women at this time are still making 98% of what men do. Blindly saying "All men period make this much, divide it, they make this much per hour, that's more than women" ignores the life choices that the two genders make. On average, men work more hours in a work week. When you do that, obviously most people also collect overtime in the process. Women take more vacation days without factoring in child rearing and maternity leave then men do, so obviously men are making more money by actually showing up. Women are less okay with traveling and leaving where they currently live for a better paying job than men. Men are willing to work in more dangerous work environments than women are and are usually compensated for it. When women are presented with tons of opportunities in college, they are far more likely to choose academic jobs than jobs in the STEM fields which have higher yields. Fun fact - when a woman applies to a STEM field job, they are 3 to 1 more likely to get that job over the male counterpart of equal qualification.
When you look at all overall earnings for women compared to men, at hourly wage, for 30 hour work weeks and above, women make 1.1% more than men do. That's how men and women need to be compared - if two people have the same job, how much more money does one gender make than the other, and the answer is almost nothing. If you just go "well who makes more total, oh man men do at 19%. Well who makes more at full time jobs, well 9.1% but still that's significant!" without accounting for those very real decisions women make, you're performing bad science and bad math. Time magazine reported that in 147 of the 150 most populated states in the US, the median full-time salary of women was 8.1% higher than that of men.
Before you make the jump and say "Well women are just offered the bad paying jobs, and those jobs are bad paying jobs because they are dominated by women", that's also very false. There are jobs that each gender gravitates more, whether it be for culture reasons, social and parental upbringings, or biological, and it's not that "women just happened to get the shit jobs" because they don't. Veterinary sciences make tons and tons of money, and that field is absolutely dominated by women. Nursing, again a field where people make a great deal of money, 92% of registered nurses are women. So yes there are tons more women teachers and women social workers not making fat stacks, but they also dominate representation in high pay yield jobs.
I believe that is what Ele is referring to Oracle.
*Edit* Because I want to make a relevant contribution to the whole "Modern Feminism" thread concept -
It's really really easy to find extremists in any population. When one does that, they may use that paint brush and coat the entire group with those stereotypes. Yes, some feminists aren't true feminists, they want female superiority. They don't want equality. They are violent, dangerous, and ignorant. However, the vast majority of feminists (and I do consider myself a very loud feminist), are just logical good-hearted people. We recognize the biological differences between men and women, we accept people for who they are, and we aren't ignorant to the fact that women are not our lesser and deserve equal everything.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Jul 13, 2017 at 05:57 PM.