Consider that this is probably a little bit different depending on what sort of weed you smoke.

Weed makes you retarded short term. If you smoke it too often it makes you permanently retarded. Even more so than alcohol. But to be honest everyone should be able to decide for themselves. So yeah legalize it. If you don´t believe me that weed makes you retarded short term you have never tried it. To see the long term effects you can just look at potheads.

@chutterchop why? Do you honestly want to ban everything that does small amounts of harm? Where does it end? Am I still allowed to eat at mcdonalds?
Last edited by torilose; Apr 5, 2018 at 02:36 PM.
Originally Posted by cutterchop View Post
My point is anything that harms ur body even small amount of harm.or big it should be illegal

That's way too general. While we're at it lets make it illegal to be on the beach without wearing sunscreen.
What about the many prescription drugs that cure illnesses but also have negative side effects?
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
There have been some very idiotic “factual” statements being put out there lately. But one true fact and the only fact that honestly matters (based off the fact that people are arguing about alcohol and cigarettes) is that marijuana is safer than both of them. You can say anything you want to disprove this case, but people have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years(as well as drinking alcohol). If the death count and time of use for each of these substances were to be taken into account. Which do you think would be considered safer. Its not a matter of who is smarter, because if youre doing any of the three you can not say that you are any better than someone doing one of the other. Its a matter of which substances kill you the fastest.
Therefore marijuana, based on known fact, is the safest and should be legalized again.
You can get cancer from one cigarette. You can die from one night out drinking.
You can die from one night of smoking weed, if you have some health conditions, or have enough money to buy 15,000 pounds of it and smoke it all with in about 20 minutes.
Last edited by Micah; Apr 5, 2018 at 07:06 PM.
Originally Posted by cutterchop View Post
My point is anything that harms ur body even small amount of harm.or big it should be illegal

So with this logic, things that are at least slightly harmful short-term or long-term to humans include:

- Any pharmaceutical compound that has the potential for dependence or addiction such as opiates
- Alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine
- Cars, due to the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides they emit.
- Generally unhealthy foods such as most fast food items, ice cream, etc.

As you can see, banning things like these are ridiculous considering their economical and ethical ramifications. A government needs to allow a certain amount of autonomy for its citizens.
Originally Posted by torilose View Post
@chutterchop why? Do you honestly want to ban everything that does small amounts of harm? Where does it end? Am I still allowed to eat at mcdonalds?

Super high me, while still a real documentary, is at least in name a parody of a documentary called "super size me" where a man ate McDonald's for 30 days.

While I've only seen it once and it has been a pretty long time, I remember clearly that his health declined severely as you might expect. They also ran a test in the same documentary where they placed McDonald's food in a jar next to a regular burger and fries for the whole 30 days. The McDonald's didn't change, the normal food was of course seriously rotten and moldy.

So in essence, while my fat self will still eat it, McDonald's is far worse for your health than any sort of weed consumption.

I believe that marijuana should be legal. It's far safer than basically any currently legal "drug", including alcohol, cigarettes, and especially prescription drugs. Possibly safer than Tylenol honestly, though I lack the knowledge to state that with any certainty.
Originally Posted by Micah View Post
You can get cancer from one cigarette. You can die from one night out drinking.
You can die from one night of smoking weed, if you have some health conditions, or have enough money to buy 15,000 pounds of it and smoke it all with in about 20 minutes.

I agree with most of what you said and I think weed being illegal does more harm than good. However, one cigarette wont give you cancer - Im not sure if the wording was poor or thats what you think. The fact is, although cigarettes increase your risk of developing cancer its unfair to say "you will get cancer" or one cigarrette can give you it, such a small quantity will not increase your risk of developing cancer by much at all. The case for alcohol in your argument is similar to weed, the lethal dose of vodka for most people is a little over a litre, which is a ridiculous amount to drink on one night. Similarly, the lethal dose of marijuana is much higher than most people have in one dose.

The point is, using any of these drugs once is very unlikely to kill you or have lasting consequences although in large amounts all of them can, alcohol can of course do this the most easily.

One argument you often see against legalization of marijuana is that it is seen as a gateway drug to other more dangerous illegal drugs. Although this is the case, surely part of the reason that it acts as such an efficient gateway drug is that it is illegal; having smoked weed means a person has tried illegal drugs and presumably not been caught and as a result they go on to try other illegal drugs with the thought "I didnt get caught that other time and I was fine so itll be fine now too" not only this, but they will also now be in contact with people with access to drugs and could probably get a hold of another illegal drug. So by legalizing weed and making it less of a common route to trying other drugs, the utlisation and impact of other illegal drugs could be reduced
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
We know that drugs are treated in different ways, there are legal but subject to medical control, legal free-selling (tobacco and alcohol) and there are the ones in the hands of criminal circuits. However, legality is not decided on the basis of the seriousness of drug addiction, because ya, alcohol is the most dangerous drug, the most used and has the most social risks like violence, car accidents and etc.. but no one ponders its ban because it would increase the harm like some dudes said before.

In Portugal drugs have been decriminalised and you won’t go to jail for buying weed (or any other type of drugs). Instead, the "sentence" will be anything from absolutely nothing to having to attend a rehabilitation program. The police generally turn a blind eye to someone smoking a joint and, unless you do it in their face or carrying a considerable amount like more than 25 g of weed or 5 g of hash (which is more than what most people need to carry on them at any given time), they’re usually not interested in pressing charges.

When it comes to actually buying weed, or any other type of drugs, you still have to hit the streets to find a dealer. It’s somewhat easier because you will be approached by dealers. But it's still illegal to grow marijuana.

I heard somewhere that in 2016, Colorado generated something like more than $1.3 billion in revenue from marijuana sales. Nearly $200 million of that for taxes, it was so much that the government has even considered giving local citizens a rebate.

Even though drugs have been decriminalised, thank zeus, Portugal isn’t a stoner paradise like some dudes think it is, unless you're french. Therefore, experience and history indicate that drug control is better than being handled clandestinely.
Originally Posted by cutterchop View Post
My point is anything that harms ur body even small amount of harm.or big it should be illegal

then get rid of everything in life lmao. Weed doesn't harm u... it helps ;)
all drugs should be legal since you can gta nything at all times anyway. People would just be more informed and could make better decissions.
Pm me for deals
I believe that weed should be legalized but I don't think that the government should have a hand in it, it being a trade between people would work better than having it in stores in my opinion
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