View Poll Results: Remove tk/erthtk?
36 Votes / 41.86%
50 Votes / 58.14%
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Whoever says TK is shit needs to spend a few games in it.
I'd like to add that Erthtkv2.tbm is the only tk mod I'd want in a competetive game. It removes most of the "random" dm's and stupid dq's.

As far as the waiting game goes, sure it might be boring, but it'll end sooner or later.
It's also the only mod where I find myself contemplating on what to do in every turn, where misplays could lead to nice counter plays.

Also booms.
Last edited by Swepples; Sep 22, 2018 at 02:50 AM.
Owner of Fred
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I don't know why everyone is saying that their joints are flying off for no reason. Every mod has its special set of rules that you can read e.g. flags and etc. and unwritten. In TK it is probably not a good idea to go for a grab by contracting wrist and extending elbows or put your wrist (or any joint btw) in a position where they are under pressure in case they snap. I think if people took the time to learn the mod rules then they wouldn't hate it, and being too lazy to learn shouldn't be a reason a mod is taken away.

As stated in this thread TK is a much more reactive mod then aggressive, it forces people to think about putting joints in danger and timing. I think that its one of the games best mods because you actually have to put some effort into winning.
Last edited by Gotti; Sep 22, 2018 at 04:51 AM.
Slightly more helpful than this poll is the official one made here:

It also specifically includes a question on tk and kicking mods, as well as general questions about what mods should be in public and ranking rooms.
we should replace it with hobokido, a very innovative and enjoyable mod for the whole family
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Normal TK is actually trash and pretty random. It requires too much on knowing exactly how much force you can take to not DM your wrists or legs instantly.
Biggest skill in normal TK is knowing what will fuck yourself up and what will actually do damage to the other dude and not yourself. Its pretty dumb that you have to spend hours in freeplay testing snapkick defence on your wrists... Just because I or someone else can do it doesn't mean it should be mandatory.

Erthtk is quite balanced but still has flaws. It has the good aspects of normal TK and way less randomness. The small increase in DM also helps loads. Because the gravity is higher and you can touch the floor you can also go in using weirder angles that breaks turtling a bit. In normal TK nothing beats shovel defence, in erthtk you can actually go low and shinkick or go in feet first thanks to the higher gravity. If you want to have TK atleast have Erthtk.

Erthtk is a fine mod and requires skill and all, but honestly is not as good as abd is for competitive play. But its still way better than boxshu.
Last edited by cowmeat; Sep 26, 2018 at 11:45 PM.