I never got a bad injury but I dislocated my thumb when I was a kid. My thumb was in the middle of the palm of my hand (I didnt feel any pain though)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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I fell down a flight of stairs and landed onto concrete after I hit a wood post in the middle. I somehow didn't break anything... I'm really not sure how.

When I was younger I managed to cut my face with a shard of broken plastic now I have a scar under my eye.

I got my leg caught in the bike chain while biking in the woods down a hill; drifted into a rut and crashed down the entire hill.

I rode a kids toy down a hill and got stabbed in the face by a broken branch which cut my and I had streams of blood going into my eyes (I thought I was going to lose the eye but for whatever reason, this didn't even leave a scar Idk how skin works I guess).

Somebody hit me in the back of the head with a shovel.

TMI ball issues; I once had this small bump on my testicle the size of a pinhead but it hurt so horribly bad. I think it may have been by being hit idk but it was excruciating I could hardly walk for like a week. Didn't go to the doctor because I was scared af it was cancer or something and it got better on its own soooooo... win...?

Like Derp over here I've also had a testicular torsion. In the process of my panicking(because I knew this was a thing) I managed to twist the other one as well. So I ended up taking two 50/50 shots twisting them back by myself. I managed to guess correctly for both and this is by far the luckiest thing I've ever done in my entire life and I will never be luckier... This is one of my worst fears that came true. I'd rather be punched in the face for an hour then go through that again.
Last edited by KDigityDog; May 14, 2019 at 04:22 AM.
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
oh well I have a lot of stories about injuries...

I fell off a 5 meters tree and broke 4 fingers

My left arm has already caught fire completely with ethanol, this one probably is the worst because it was a slow recover process

I broke my coccyx playing soccer, 3 months without being able to sit anywhere

I got 3 nails crossed on my right foot completely at the same time, and to complete, the fuckin nurse throw pure alcohol in it to remove them

I think those are the worst ones
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!
Originally Posted by Life View Post
I broke my coccyx playing soccer, 3 months without being able to sit anywhere

how did u poop
Originally Posted by Life View Post
I got 3 nails crossed on my right foot completely at the same time, and to complete, the fuckin nurse throw pure alcohol in it to remove them

how did that happen
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
how did u poop

I had to poop standing

Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
how did that happen

I was like 10 yo, I was at a vacation camp with 3 of my cousins and we were playing among the trees. There was a little board that had at least 10 nails, and while we were running I ended up jumping on the top of it.
They had to take me to the doctor with the whole board and all lmao
Also when I was cleaning my ass it was painful af
Last edited by Life; May 18, 2019 at 05:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!
skateboarding. when I was real young at the skate park with friends we set a ramp up to a rail. I got some speed and grinded the rail for a few feet, but the board slid out from underneath me. fell right on the back of my neck and couldn't turn my head for a week
Got burned on my whole left thigh with boiled water when i was just 3 years old and now i have a big scar around my whole thigh which is really visible if i wear short pants or just some bathing suit.
Head got bonked. Doctors said i wasn't allowed to read and oh man, not reading things is hard.

Also, tore my gastrocnemius right down the center once. Full 4cm tear. Never again.
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
Head got bonked. Doctors said i wasn't allowed to read and oh man, not reading things is hard.

Also, tore my gastrocnemius right down the center once. Full 4cm tear. Never again.

Don't forget that time Jobo boomhit you

that was scripted and false representation, you will be hearing from my lawyer ~ I
Last edited by Icky; May 22, 2019 at 08:28 PM.

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