ROLL CALL...........

All members of Inner Calm Outer Fury please pm me so I can tell how many of you are active and how many aren't..

Also, this is another reminder to all you people without a clan, or looking to switch:

Once we have thirteen total members, I'll be making this clan official.
You won't be disappointed.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Do I have to PM you, or can I just tap you on the shoulder and remind you I'm not dead yet?

ICOF 4 life! LOLz!

Imma dumb-ass.. WELCOME to Snooj as well!!! sorry, new to this co-leader-type-thingy-do..
Last edited by MasterKaos; Jan 6, 2009 at 06:40 AM. Reason: Double-post
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death
ack double post ftl ..

you should merge those posts :P

and yeah, i suppose, tap on shoulder works.

Better be handing me a coffee tho.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
man, like I know how to work this thing! lolz.. lemme know how and I will next time :P

A-HA! Got it now! thx Pik! on to 1337 forum-ness!! .. ? maybe?
Last edited by MasterKaos; Jan 6, 2009 at 06:41 AM. Reason: Fixing.
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death
Welcome, welcome BlackRozez! Glad to have ya aboard! Just don't beat my azz anymore! :P Gratz again and hope to see ya around.

*edit(THX PIK!)* On another note, since we're gettin' some newer members I was thinkin' of us maybe startin' a room to get together and play funky mods, trade stuff, share hints.. that clan type stuff, ya know? lolz.. I dunno if it's really possible considering our different timezones.. just a thought your thoughts? Oh, and Jago needs a title.. *nods sagely*
Last edited by MasterKaos; Jan 6, 2009 at 03:31 PM. Reason: Forgot some stuff
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death
Jago took the title "Major".
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Rock on Major Jago!
Well I was bored before work so I decided to try my hand at some gimp graphics work.. It's not the greatest but for my first major attempt at editing.. Well, you decide.
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death