Original Post
Game title art contest: 27k + items available
So me and lancer_c are working on a video game that we decided we need some epic art for, and don't wanna try drawing it ourselves. That being said, we come to you, bearing prizes, to anyone that can make some sweet spike man(working title) themed art. We are primarily looking for art to use as the background the the main menu, but good art may be used throughout the game.

Game demo so far(windows only):

our subjects:

spikeman and his unicorn

spikeman and a possible antagonist

possible antagonist with a tophat

-Original artwork only*, use the above images and any examples provided only as inspiration.
*This means no photomanipulation.
-by submitting an entry you are forfeiting all rights to the submitted artwork.
-minimum resolution 800x600

-spikeman is faceless and should remain as such.
-images with spikeman and his unicorn together are preferable, but images with single subjects are not discouraged.
-no text in the images.

Examples and concept ideas:

say this image was instead spikeman on a unicorn, that would be sweet.

This is the title art for Charles Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden. The style is excellent.

Prizes Available:
Along with being credited for your art in our game, these items and credits are available to any entry we consider to be worthy of prizes. Note that we will be awarding several prizes, there will be no defined placing of prizes.

Vampire Torso
Quicksilver Force
Pharos DQ
Dragon Torso
25.5k TC

Prizes Awarded:
976TC - Pulitzer for his inital entry, as well as being first to post an accepted entry.
250TC x4 - rado1100, for his entries.
Vampire Blood + Vampire Relax - SgtBeans, for his entry.
500TC- biomek, for effort.

This contest will run until we either stop it or run out of prizes.

If you want to talk to me about your submission, I'm usually on the toribash irc, so /msg pyreon and we can talk.
Last edited by pyreon; Jan 4, 2009 at 07:33 PM.
They're a little too rough with too much empty space. if you cleaned them up and gave it a good background, that would make them much better. They're pretty good so far, though.

As for not awarding prizes, I'm trying to not seem like I'm giving creds out for every piece of decent work that I receive. I'm looking for a few great pieces of work that i would immediately consider using in the game. Token prizes are to encourage participation and better quality.

That being said, something that is a great piece and will be in the game for sure will get a really big prize.
Last edited by pyreon; Dec 28, 2008 at 12:37 AM.
yes, the BG is ugly but i have lost the original sketch... Have to make another one...

EDIT: and the sketch-ness is what i wanted them to look... But, in real, its hard for me to make it non-sketchy
Last edited by rado1100; Dec 28, 2008 at 10:47 AM.
shit, I really have an idea for this, but the thing is, I can't draw on a computer and I no longer have (acces to) a scanner... Maybe I'll pencil sketch it sometime after new year's, take a digital photo (lul) of it and GIMP it.

I love horns, could the spike be a little curved and be like a horn? If so, tell me if you want it curved to the forwards or backwards. The unicorn's is gonna be a bit like a screw like they always are.

If it's OK, I'll go for sketchy realism, not sketching the boxy shape.

Anyhow, gonna take a while until i even start. Going to grandma and grandpa for new year's and such.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
The contest is not over until we run out of prizes or we say it is.

Archlurps, curved horns are iffy, but if you can make it look awesome go for it.
I'm almost done with it dudes. just not enough time in the day ( and I do admit to procrastination). The outlining is a bit grainy but thats kind of a part of what makes it awesome.
every ten seconds I kill 7 puppies. The only way to prevent this is by clicking this savin' puppies
It's horrible, but i can try to make better =)

Maybe, not for menu, but as background for a level.
Damn kids. They're all alike.
it's nice, but if you wanna make a level background the scenery would have to be more in he background, and it's not something that i'd imagine as a good title background anyway. Along with the fact that it doesn't seem directed at this contest at all, I'm not going to prize it.
Last edited by pyreon; Dec 31, 2008 at 07:19 PM.
I tryed to draw an unicorn.
Still unfinished so no prize for me Just... do you like it?
Damn kids. They're all alike.