Yeah that's a huge one for me. I started going to church, and I'm trying to ease up a bit, but it's a hard habit to break.
- Put some order in the stuff on my laptop.
- Get a habit of doing homework.
- Be more responsible.
Pretty much. Last two are necessities, because if i don't get those done, i might risk getting kicked out of school. >.>
Homework is going to be rather hard for me... I got through elementary, and i did well below half the homework we got assigned. That just doesn't fly in the gymnasium.
-Actually do schoolwork. Considering I haven't really done any assignments since year 7 and I'm going into year 11, I best be doing this.
-Sleep more. This is important.
-Learn to play guitar. I have this every year but it never happens.
-perform with a band
-Be more liked in the tori community
-Sabotage school
-balls fell off less
thats it
-get better at making Textures
-solve one of my big problems -> TOP SECRET
-be nicer
-learn better
-get bigger muscles
-ask the girl I love to go out with me
-get a new cell phone
-party more
-Poke all the mods (almost there)
-Get out of my house more often
-Play TB less :O
Get better marks in math
Get good at deltabox >:
Learn how to animate well
Reach 10th dan :x
Put on some weight, 35kg and 14 ftw?