Originally Posted by
I think I shouldn't have agreed to this freakin war anyways.
Originally Posted by
wow it amazes me how impatient you guys can be. It's really stupid. If you'd rather whine about how the war isn't starting than wait for it to start to maintain YOUR CLAN'S DIGNITY AND PRIDE AND HONOR AND RESPECT then we don't need you .
ehm, we were talkin about makin the war, not about "makin the war NAWW aiodñjfsf"... so, next time please try to use better the words...u first was doubting about whether the war was going to start or not, and now u are sayin us that we stupidly ask for the war to be made?
remember that evil is Comin back,and a war is a good way to build up the clan...
so, with no more to say... i ask u, as imubai, to close the poll... and start acting...