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talk about stuff here... "NOT in Wanting to join Cliche"

(I am russian. I print English very bad.)

-Black belt
- +4
-Ilusion( i dont sure...)
-Cliche is super clan!!
Name - eLtRo101
Belt - 2nd Dan
TimeZone - GMT +/- 0 (I live in Bromley)
Person Known - None
Reason - Cause Cliche seems like a very good clan and I want to make them famous

Clicky to give me 100 TC Thx if u clicked
ok well vakid you are in the clan now{insert happy face}

and Eltro101 i would like to verse you some time so pm me with the details about when you are on kk

you cant buy happiness
but you can buy ice-cream thats close enough...right?
old member testers include me? I wasnt very active back then, so prolly not the best choice to ask for me to test.
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