@runrunrun pm'ed
@Pikarus pm'ed
@ColonelKumquat no ty. nice name btw
@grumpyman2 good prices but not quite the items i like
@Gubbin1 you already got the answer in thread
@qq5ben too bad you wanna keep that vamp :P / 500tc for chronos sec grad?
might come back for spinx torso
@Xiongold hey there havent seen your new set yet
/ dont like neptune sry
@LJ really good offers thx, but not quite my choice of items might pm you with extra tc to spend though
@Neoman good offer but gold i really dont like anymore, but try tiebashers thread
sry for the short answers, but its early morning here and i got a buisy day wont be back the next 15h or so.
and plz do check my youshop there is a free radio set+more up for grabs / also the reason why i made this thread...
cu, thorac