My suggestion is to create a Clan Council, with no more than 4 ppl to decide the destiny of the clan, and a member's leader who will talk with the people and comunicate to us their opinions =)
See? If you organise things well, the more people is in clan the more fun, most sophisticated!
And you can also establish a social system designed from your very own IDEALS! And see if they worth or not. Its very very interesting. But you need ppl to inhabitat the country.
I am the creator of a clan in Ogame named ADA , some 5 years ago.At my time the clan had almost 100 members and we were in position 22 of global clan ranking (only that was a victory).
I left the clan that year, but it is still alive.
Last edited by Jahman; Feb 7, 2009 at 08:13 PM.