My current time zone is -3:00 although seeing as I'm in the Southern Hemisphere right now, it can be up to -5:00 depending on the time of year.

For ToriConquest:

Name: Triton
Description: White, male, 6'4" in height and around 10st. in weight. Medium length hair being untidy and a dark brown. Has bright, shining, blue eyes. Loves the sea, lakes and other water-based realms of nature. Living in a large cave behind a colossal waterfall, his clothes reflect this being one with nature in style and colour being mainly greens and blues. He spends most of his days in deep trance-like meditation, perfecting his thought processes and honing his senses for the inevitable battle to come.

Having been abandoned when he was young, he finds it difficult to fully trust people but would do anything to help them (as he is afraid to lose what little he may have). The few that have met him have described him as quiet, surprisingly strong for how he looks and a kind person in general. Those who have opposed him refuse to comment on the matter however, showing that although he is in favour of peace, he isn't afraid to stand up for and defend himself.

His biggest fault in life would be his social skills. Having been a far outcast of society and civilisation, he finds social confrontations difficult especially when in an unfamiliar area. The life that he has chosen to live reflects this and although he may sometimes regret this, there's no turning back now.
Last edited by Tamer0; Feb 26, 2009 at 05:27 AM.
Name: (This is your in-character name. No, it can't be 'omgwtfhaxx0r1337'. A NORMAL name is required. Pseudonyms are fine. No last name is fine.)
Description: (Minimum 200 words. This will be the description I will be using to role-play your character, at any time he does anything. Be as detailed as possible. This includes mental attitude and physical appearance. )

So we put a regular name? And a description of a fictional character?
Name: Typhoeus
Description: 6 feet tall with black medium length hair. Not very well known and quite shy around strangers. But in battle he will not go down without a fight. Enjoys having friends around for backup and support. Has been a leader to [Beta] which died and now is leading [Fearless]. Quite fond of making single combat replays and fighting in wushu, kickbox, and taekkyon. In single combat, enjoys boom hits, parkour, and combos. A bit artistic but still practicing on the arts.

Currently in organizations such as Wii Pride, Bearism, Super Terrific Club of Awesome, and Official Replay Makers Organization which is most active in. Sometimes doesn't think moves completely though and might end up messing up. But strengths such as a quick mind and good moves give a good upper hand.

Always has companions backs against attackers and enemies. Attack style is usually aerial attacks or fast fights. Not the best choice for ground and pound mods such as sambo and aikido. Loves to take risks and put it all on the line for the team or friends but can also be quite cautious. Although a bit bossy, can listen to orders who are higher ranked. Doesn't use very well-planned techniques but has a few signature moves.

Does this work?

Last edited by Boomer; Feb 27, 2009 at 03:00 AM.
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
ToriConquest is a role-play. There's no point posting stuff like, 'has a shop' or 'is currently holding a competition'. Your supposed to make it up, make it sound interesting etc etc etc. It's not an actual description of who you are. Just your RPG character for the ToriConquest.

EDIT: I have a description. Refer back.
Last edited by DeeJayy741; Feb 23, 2009 at 11:35 AM.
Excuse the length and... emoness... of this rp <.<

Name: Real name is a mystery, just goes by 'Oracle'

Physical: 5'10" tall, 145 pound Caucasian male. Around late teens, early twenties. Albino. Has pale white skin. Hair is white and long in the front so it covers his eyes. His left eye was gouged out. A scar extends from the bottom of the eye socket to just below the jaw. Right eye's color is a light red. Dresses in dark, flowing clothes, usually black. Usually wears a hood. Conceals a dagger in his right sleeve. Dagger is used for blood magic. Left arm is heavily scarred from frequent cuts. If he induces himself into a blood lust state, his eye turns completely red. Has a black insignia burned into his back. Wears a plain silver necklace at all times. Has a wolf as a familiar. Is very tolerant of the cold.

Psychological: Suffers from bipolar disorder. Usually reclusive and silent. When he's manic, he twitches and jerks frequently and is easily irritated. If something or someone blows his fuse, he lashes out violently at the aggravator. Mutters to himself under his breath. Is on edge around strangers. Loathes people with mixed eyes. When he's not manic, he's extremely analytical, cynical, and pessimist. Has random instances of omniscience and can enter a coma-like state to see the future. Slowly goes mad with every instance of omniscience or future sight. Has nightmares about his past, and gets very little sleep because of that.

History: The only history that can be gathered about Oracle is anything he decides to tell. All of his known family are dead except for his twin sister, who had murdered his family and left her brother for dead. He was 12 at the time. He now completely loathes people with mixed color eyes (sister had blue and green eyes) and a long trail of bodies proves this. He had met with his sister on one other occaision 5 years later. It was here he had lost his eye by gouging it out himself for a high-level blood magic spell. His sister was lucky to escape with most of her intact. Now both of them are intent on hunting the other one down.

Oracle had gained his magical abilities through a blood pact he made with a demon shortly after his family's death. To sustain these abilities, he's forced
to give frequent sacrifices of blood, or occaisionally life to his demon master. The insignia on Oracle's back is part of the pact between human and demon.

Oracle had been in a relationship at some time in his life, but refuses to give any details on the subject.

Don't judge me from this rp D:

Also my timezone is -6 GMT
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yay its not an actual description of who you are!

Name: J
Description: Male. His name is unknown. 6 feet tall with short dark hair. His eyes are black. Often dressed in black. Lives in a wood somewhere in Sweden. He got rejected from his hometown becouse he was too "different". He has nearly no emotions since his parents where the ones that hated him the most. Now he has learned to never be sad, never be afraid and never be happy. Many says he is a demon and no one knows for sure. He eats very little but never starves. People that came to his house never came back. He murders them in a brutal ways becouse killing makes him stronger. He sometimes leaves his house in the woods to go hunt.121 He once walked all the way to france and on his way there he killed over 100 people. He has now gotten the nickname "Splinter the wooden demon". He is inteligent and always have one or two tricks if something goes wrong. He plans everything he does and how he will kill his victims whitout anyone being able to catch him. And if he catches them. The chances are big that they wont survive. Why he is the evil man he is, is yet to be understood.

Hell yes!
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Name: CJ

Description: 1'99'' tall, black skin, afro hair, leader of the one gang, sells marijuana, cocaine, and guns. He already killed 12 persons, who bought marijuana and do not paid him. Famous internationally, and is very very rich.
His name is Carl Jhonson, knowner as CJ. If you already saw him, tell a policy member, and you will win $10,000,00.

I think it's ok :o. Also my timezone is -3 GMT. And sorry for the bad grammar :x
Last edited by Lucas; Feb 23, 2009 at 08:45 PM.
Its not an actual description of who you are. Its an description of your RPG character. Look at my post ^_^
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread