I PM`d you with a message about the pure force and that I really need it and you sold it.Than you say just Pm with offer what a lier.
first you have like 30k, second you didnt sent an offer u asked me to check out your store, third the items in the store are sell whenever somebody clicks on buy, i wont save it for u.

For the rest:
I added one more Pure force (i found on torimarket). Cant find em anywhere so I guess its the last one.
lowered a bit the laxes (same problem)

GOT THYPHON at Torishop prices WITHOUT QI (thats 5th dan required)

If you got a question, just ask.
... ...
Hay nachouru, do you accept trades too?
I could need a pure force or a demon force or the void force(<- dont have the money for those two -.-)
how much would you sell me force and relax black, i dont care what kind of black, the cheapest one, if its 2 expencive 4 me ill add in radioactive set
Something about busses:D