lol freaking swing vote.

How about we do it where Tamer0 and I rate some replays current recruiters pick out and then they decide who has the most logic behind their ratings?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Great idea Ora!
Ok listen. Im gonna post a replay here. Tamer0 and OrAcLe will rate it and whoever makes the most logic rating wins!
Attached Files
Splinter_Classic beat 'em up.rpl (175.4 KB, 22 views)
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Private message the ratings and reasoning behind it? That way we can't leech off the other.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I chose this replay becouse there is a lot to critic in it. So hopefully you will give it the rating an critic it deserves.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Im about to rate your ratings.
beat 'em up - I'll admit, there's more grabbing in this replay than I would have liked but the way it's executed won me back a fair amount.

The opener style is generally overused so to make it stand out from the crowd, a boomhit or a particularly stylish dismemberment could've been used, spicing things up. The grabby hand pec break was a bit disappointing for me, a boompunch would've been possible with that momentum and could've even been followed by a boomkick with the left foot providing that enough speed was maintained (I have a replay showing a possible method of achieving this if you want me to post it somewhere, I can't attach files to a PM).

The boomkick on frame 428 was a turning point in the replay for me. I liked the way that the little flick of the right hand enabled you to turn back around to split him (although the grabby break could've been avoided (Example replay available, see above message)). Also, the use of the right arm, the wrist in particular, to dislodge the head fitted in well while you attacked the right glute. Again, nifty use of the wrist to break the left glute and abs. Whether that was lucky or intentional is another matter but good job nonetheless.

The pose at the end, although achieved easily through relaxing all joints, ended the replay in a decent manner.

Overall, I'd give the replay a 7.5/10. Points that could've been improved include less usage of grab, a more relaxed stance throughout the replay and a proper pose at the end to add a full stop and make the viewer have a small 'wow' moment, leaving them wanting more.

Very good. You really watched the replay and comented on everything about it. But it doesn't seem very organized. It was hard to understand parts of it but i liked it. Very much.
Could have been a pose or dance at end
Nothing really unique about it
Nothing memorable
A bit heavy on grabbing
First grab seemed a bit out of place (vast majority of hits were quickly followed by the hit part(s) breaking. This one did not)

Very flowing madman
Every movement seemed to have a purpose behind it
Grabbing was tasteful (most grabs seemed to be necessary)
Fact that the same leg was used for a kick twice in quick sucsession didn't look ugly.
The attack at the crotch block didnt seem out of place, despite it being a fairly mundane part to attack at the end of a replay.

-Side Notes-
Tori seemed to be nodding throughout the majority of the replay

It was good but it wasn't memorable.

That's my rating.

That was awesome. It was organized and still tells almost everything that Tamer0's did. I also like the side note.

And the winner is!

*drum roll plox*

Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread