Wew, that was funny if you take it as a joke that is. If you look at it seriously its not funny.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
Totally, hidingwarrior. I use this guy to represent white people in my cartoons.

Also, by "the American people", do you mean most of the GOP and FOX news?

rofl at the pic. On topic, I mean the GOP and also quite a few libs.
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
Faolan, a common symbol for black people back in the day was monkeys, due to the broader nose and thicker lips. Therefore, this cartoon is completely racist. Also, they used the whole "monkey attack" excuse. GG.

See, I wasn't aware of this. I'd only heard it used as a reference to black people once in the movie "Remember the Titans".

offtopic: Also I lol'd HARD at that fat dude picture, considering back when "Agent J" was around, "he" changed my avatar to that XD
<insert (something) here>
that's sick and wrong. but i bet there is someone out there who enjoyed that cartoon...

srsy i can't believe they are making dumb excuses for that, i think things have been removed from papers for less.
◕ ◡ ◕ [VIP]
Back in 1930's, this would go by without a single argument. Now, since black men are considered equals (as well as women) This won't go down without a major struggle.
Fonzie be with you.
I don't think this cartoon is meant to be racist in any way. How I saw it was that it was a reference to the recent chimpanzee incident (in which the cops shot the chimp), while making fun of the economic stimulus bill and referring to the writers of the bill as chimps.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
I love how everyone thinks the monkey is barrack obama... it took me like 20 minutes to figure out what you guys are bitching about...

Its like that episode of south park where the kids are trying to stop them from taking down the school logo, which is two guys laughing at another guy who is getting hung, however the stick figure being hung is colored black, but the kids don't see it as a racial issue. The news paper just saw a monkey, but america sees a blackman.

I didn't even know a monkey could represent a blackman, I must have missed that this past black history month, mah bad.

My point is you guys are getting pissed over a monkey being shot, its a monkey, as in the person who wrote the stimulus plan was, or had the IQ of a monkey.

Barrack Obama didn't write it, and if you think that the monkey represented barrack obana, you are in a racist state of mind.
Last edited by LadyDEATH; Feb 27, 2009 at 03:33 PM.
(Hive people only, haha!)
LadyDEATH, you are completely right, as this is the reason why everybody shuts up now. I was the first to post on here, just because i needed to test something but i blew it up to 4 pages. amazing what a cartoonist and a first "poster" can do. this cartoonist was probably stoned or pissed when he did this.
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Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
LadyDEATH, you are completely right, as this is the reason why everybody shuts up now. I was the first to post on here, just because i needed to test something but i blew it up to 4 pages. amazing what a cartoonist and a first "poster" can do. this cartoonist was probably stoned or pissed when he did this.

lol, Thank you for your clever post of four words that magically inspired everyone else to post their opinions. Certainly without you, and your ingenious word play of "Fuck up eh?" this thread would have shriveled and died. In fact I think from now on I will also post the exact opposite of what I believe, in order to stimulate discussion, and then, after everyone "shuts up" will reveal my true plan. The fact that your revelation came directly after a post of one of the possibly 4 girls in the community is just coincidence I am sure.

Anyways, moving along.
The reason I haven't posted is because I figured the issue to be over and done with. I have a fever at the moment, so I wont get too into this post, but I feel it is important to note that throughout history in America monkeys have been used as a derogatory symbol of black people. I should have said that in my first post, I messed up in assuming that younger people would know of things that havent been as well known during their lifetimes.

LadyDeath, I understand what you mean, and I can see how it probably looks racist to find undertones of racism in wholly neutral places. However, I do not, as well as many other people do not, think for one second that this cartoon was made in a neutral, or even ignorant state of mind. Even if it was, if the cartoonist really did mean it to represent congress, or if they also were unaware of the comparison of monkeys to black people in racist propaganda, they should have had the foresight to see that this would cause a whole world of anger and hurt feelings. Ambivalence and ignorance are not valid excuses when someone is placed in a position like that of the staff at The Post. If this had been some rag that nobody reads, than it certainly would not have caused such problems. But the post is a pretty big entity and is widely read.

On a final note, while I love the show, please, for your own sake, do not turn to southpark for moral guidance. Its a smart show, don't get me wrong, but the people who created it are in no way qualified to speak on half of the issues they try and deal with.
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