either to let mcburger or triplem to make my house banner.both of them don't know how to make banners.silly me..........
well ok fighter
youve been a good member
and i cant force you to stay
so goodbye
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
goodbye xxfighter, good luck joining fire demons
As a member of HoLy, I have walked through hell with Death rubbing his nuts at my face and survived.
k guys i think im going to host a fight with AK
i dont know what the mod may be but practice your judo and wushu skills
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
Yo, I, the cool and nice, weird and wonderful, Ardgevald wish to be a member of the Elite Flaming Pies
I'm a black belt and a rank of 3712
My favorite mods are Judo, Wushu and Katana
I'd like to join the Elite Flaming Pies because I like pie
My Gmt is well I don't know what it exactly means but I'm in the Philippines [Same as robert and you rafa xD] and i am most active from Friday's to sundays.[Monday to thursday I practice on single player]
And last of all i do Like [can I say Love pie? Cause I do xP] Pie
Last edited by Virtue; Mar 30, 2009 at 08:24 AM. Reason: Edited cause I felt like it xP