Re: 2012
Jim mentioned something about a void that would happen on the 2012. We would have no external senses to likn us to the outside world and there would only be thought patterns. If you think about any of your fears during this time then they will manifest. Not everyone will be able to make it though this and those who don't will be reincarnated on another planet.
Yes.. There is always a gap between dimensions or realities. Usually 3-4 days. This is backed up by the bible. "Jesus rose again on the third day".
This gap is the great Void. One must pass through the void. This void is also referred to pergatory. The time of Judgement. When you pass to another dimension through death, or changes, only pure souls will beable to pass. As far as physical proof, I have none, and noone probably ever will. However I don't know why people have decided that it will make everyone gain access to psychic powers! How does that happen?
Mainly from the vibration the earth gives off. Scientists discovered many decades ago, that vibrations affect the penial gland. When the penial gland is stimulated with higher frequency than usual, the penial gland expands and releases more thought forms. This in turn affects the way reality is perceived.
Brain doctors and Neuroligists use this frequency technique to bring insane people to normal brain states. It is documented the Earths Renosant Frequency has risen from 7.8 Hz to Over 12 Hz these days. People are starting to be more aware.
It has been stated for years, that Humnas only use 10% of their brains. Trust me on this, The other 90% of Unused sections can do Simply AMazing Things..
But this is all predicted. As you all know, We Humans can not possible survive another 50 years on earth with the current conditions. As our world falls apart piece by piece, our brains will grow piece by piece. When enough people realize this, and Gather to share the same dream, The world will change.
Excuse me for this, but after reading anything like that, how can you NOT have serious doubts about the credibility of this sort of claim? I find it fairly wondrous that people can actually believe anything like this. I mean, some of it makes sense, but most of it... How?
This quote isn't EXACTLY about the apocalypse or anything, but it just makes me wonder - Is this 'great void' in 2012 what we're supposed to fear as the end of our days? Is this the apocalypse we're meant to be terrified of?
I live in a world where my important choices are back by fact. Quoting wild coincidence and the Bible does not count as fact. Hence, I have come to believe that, well, 2012 will be JUST like 2000, albeit with less celebrations on New Years day. If this was also backed pretty explicitly by one of Nostrdamus' prophecies, I might actually think that this might say something, but it isn't.
And whats this about the penial gland? It may open up... And we'll either die or go through intense hallucination phases.
I'm sorry, but this whole theory just strikes me as fairly cultish, on par with scientology.