Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by With
There is no peace...Ther is only decap...:P

Speaking of caps, I wonder why danny speaks in all of them.. Caps I mean..

Yo danny! Danny boy! You know that button? The one right next to the "A" which says "Caps Lock?" Push it once in a while, ok?It helps.

Oh, and I don't know where you learned grammar, but where I come from (which is norway btw) we dont capitalise The First Letter Of Every Word. I Wonder Why People Bother To Do That. I Mean, It Makes Absoutely No Sense.. It's Just Dumb!

Notice the tounge in the cheek there?
we capitalize the first letter because its the beginning of a sentence. special words names and places the first letter is always capitalized. ex. Bob Kevin those are names Norway thats a place. do you get it now i hope i clareified this for you.