Hey sly i still gots ur cheese. lolz anyway can u make me a siggy.
Make it out lined with tribal markings in grey and toxic. Make it say Dark across it also like ownage's. Als o give me a kickass pose. If possible like im about to punch somebody. /dl then /lp me 2 see my recent tori.
Shop closed for now, my computer's hard drive is messed up. I am on my laptop. I cannot continue this for a while, my laptop cannot run shaders, or tori bash. I do not know when this shop will re-open, but it is closed for now. as soon as my computer is fixed, i will get back to the requests.
Shop is open now, i will have my new harddrive tomorrow. So, i cannot do any tori signatures yet, but i will give it a try with actual people, places, or things. Some examples might follow soon,
Sent 1k
Mars200, cobra secondary marine primary beetle force marine relax. my cobra trails to if you can.
just mars200 text.
also Make sure to put liquid ninja in small spot somewhere in there of you can.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi