Secret Santa 2024
So, did I not make it in?
Or does the thread need closing because you don't want others thinking they can just post here too?
Killpiu,why are you raging at every applicant for our clan and dont want any new members? Okay he posted a thread,and he didnt pm me or jt, but man,you seem like loving insulting new applicants.Couldnt watch the replay cause Im at my sis' lappy, without tb and irc. BUT you keep being a real ass to every applicant, fezch seems like a nice guy, and you have no right to manage my way of moderating, or jtanks.

My point of view as the clan leader.

Fezch, Tomorrow I will post a poll, come up with some good mp replays, and some better sp replays, you can do better, I guess, and hope.
Well, I am following the rules
You said: Addicted is invite-only, but any person post a thread here and you will make a poll? :v
Originally Posted by timmychan View Post
i guess, he knows some of us, and if i could invite, i would invite him...
Infact, WHO CAN invite?

I think recommend would be a better word.

if someone was invited they would be in straight away. (uh oh spams galore)

but if they were recommmended then gives other ppl a chance to decide.
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
I'd suggest one thing. Everyone can invite any person and create a poll, and everyone votes. It works very well.
fezch seems like a nice guy

Well, thanks! Your cool too!

I'd suggest one thing. Everyone can invite any person and create a poll, and everyone votes. It works very well.

You mean, not only Addicted members vote? I think if you guys do this, then you should make it public. Then you can see if you had, for example, "nub1" voting on the same thing as "nub2" and "nub3". At least then you can have some sort of control over it.

Look at me, I am giving you guys suggestions on how to do your jobs, and I'm not even in yet.