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i have all the people i hate's MSN if he goes 2 ur skool just ask sum1 who knows him :P
Fr3styL It's a way of life
no, because everyone knows i hate him and most people who like him, hate me. plus, if you were gonna add him, he probably wouldnt let you.
Heh it's all ok! But too much non-related stuff was being falling in this one.

Well I will clean the thread, don't take it personal, its just to follow the rules, so any help you might need about, any question of this times that are apparently accelerating, I may help you with all the energy.

Most of you are too young and are at school, so despite I know your experience in life is intense like it was mine at your ages, maybe you can't realize what mankind wrongly had made of the beautiful Earth sometime was, and in some remote places still be.

People are given biased viewpoints, because of the very limited true information they can get from the media. Most of what you see in TV or listen in radio (specially what adults prefer: News and sex related) are things to keep your attention at trash that will NOT bring happiness at all, but will keep you in the routine of working almost each and every day of your lifes and paying taxes, buying things and putting strange medicine into your body.


"What you pay attention to, is what you become conscious of"

If TV and media in general keeps showing you crap after crap and you pay attention to it, you become conscious of it and with time it becomes your natural addiction.

Some other ppl is addicted to work, some other to cigarretes, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc. Know that some bad-named "drugs" are much more safe than the ones not called that way.

Have you seen the old ppl in the hospital talking and acting like they were 1 year old? And Im not talking about their body, "naturally aged" and maybe now limited, but their ideas and way of living, like waiting the dark angel without any hope. Medicine they eat each and every day slowly burn they conscience, and that is not a part of the body but a part of the soul.

Well, times are not really accelerating, but things are happening faster and faster, so we think the times are speeding.
This speeding illusion will reach a sudden end at October 28 in 2011, and NOT in 21/12/2011 like some, again, bad intentioned medias are saying to keep confusing ppl as always.

So don't go crazy trying to keep "up to date" with whats going on in the world 'cause things will start to happen faster and faster. What in the past could take 20 years, in 2 years it will take only 20 days to happen.

What you have to do now is to follow your intuition, your very own feelings, and always be true to yourself.

When you follow your intuition you feel comfortable with yourself all the time. That is how you know you are doing OK in your life.

I left you this site, you don't have to use it if you don't want, but you know I wouldn't give you things that doesn't have value. This contains the only truth about Mayan Calendar and prophecies:

How to use it:
Each day you wake up you look at it, you read it, see what's the purpose of that unique day (Specially the part that says"A good day to"), and then go and live your lifes as always, but keep in mind what you have read, try to understand it, and let it rule that very day in each situation is presented to you. If you repeat this it will be of great help for this times.

There are other ways to mantain your attention at the things that matter in life, but this one will always work.

This is, in a reduced version, the true main message of the Mayan civilization left to humans of today. They knew this will happen.

Hope this brings some light to you.


A warrior has only his will and his patience, and with them he builds anything he wants.
Last edited by Jahman; Jun 20, 2009 at 10:10 AM.
That is pretty cool Jahman!
Also thank you for cleaning this forum.
You might noticed but i cleaned the rest of the forum the 18th.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.