I feel bad, but it I guess it wasn't as bad as when my dog died the day before my birthday (my 8th birthday). [sarcasm]That was a lovely birthday present.[/sarcasm]
Originally Posted by DecapW View Post
I feel sorry for you man, although i've never lost a pet, my mum died 2 years ago of cancer and that was really hard to get over I hope you feel better soon man.

@jmannn: Thats the least funny thing i've ever heard in my life, its sick and i hope you enjoy your ban.

OMG,Dude. That must be HARD to forget. but i know how you feel. My uncle died a year ago. i was sad.

PS: Sure he has fun being banned.
PS2: DAWG fag
Back after a year of no Toribash.
MSPA Reader
The worst scenario like this that I've experienced was when my hamster died. My whole family cried and he was only around 2 years, and you are no where near as attatched to a rodent as you are to a dog. I now have a cat, and when he dies I know I'm going to feel awful.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
thanks for your support!
and i feel sorry for all of you guys who lost a pet too
heres a video with my dogs (both died) from when i was in NJ

the first one is Chico (hit by car) and the next is sheba the one were talking about now (stroke and cancer and old age)
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
I know what it feels like to lose pets. I've lost 3 cats, a dog, and a spinifer(scorpion looking spider thingy).

My first cat I called Ina. I only had her for 2.5 years until she was savagely attacked by a raccoon. She used to accompany me to school while I walked, and had never clawed/bitten me ever. In the last moments of our time together, When I was trying to see what had happened, the second I was about to go over the wound, she clawed me for the first time since I got her.

My other cat, Jimmeh(yes, with the eh at the end.) I had for 4 years after ina died. This one was just brutal. He used to climb up trees and kill birds and squirrels. One day he got stuck up in a TALL tree in my backyard, and was too afraid to jump down. A week later, it managed to get down, and I fed him practically everything he wanted. One time he managed to get outside when I was taking the trash out, went missing for 4 weeks and came back completely beaten, bloody, and had lacerations everywhere. He got put to sleep within 4 hours, it was expected he would die by the next day.

My other cat, Stella, I had for half a year, I adopted her, but was never informed she had colon cancer. After I figured it out, she was put to sleep as to not be in pain. I always thought something was wrong because she hated being picked up or having stuff touch her stomach.

My dog, Lessi, she had a heartattack at 2, only had her for about 1 year and a half. She was the best dog I've ever owned. She had a heart disease.

My nameless spinifer, he died after 3 years, considering thats its lifespan.

Good luck dealing with your loss.
DecapW i feel sorry for you man i mean how hard must it be to lose the one youve been with your ENTIRE LIFE?
when my parents die i will inter them to a family cemetery in New Hampshire
(where my moms dad is buried)
Still decap i do feel incredibly sorry for the loss of your mom

but have you guys seen my dogs in that video?
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
Ahh all of this is so sad :'[

I have had a dog, a budgie and a cat.

My dog Zac had to be put down because we were moving, same town but he was getting old, and there weren't any fences to keep him in, so he could have easily tried to run back to our old house and get hit by a car. Puting him down was the best thing to do. We still have his ashes in a box.

My budgie, his name was Louie, one morning i was still sleeping and my brother came running in to my room and told me that Louie had died, i didn't get out of bed, i just kind of, cried a bit.

My cat, Missy, she is still with us at the moment. She is an annoying cat, but likes me the most in the family. Now im older, i think if shes dies it will hit me harder.

Im sorry for all of your losses, it's strange how you can get so attached to an animal.