Thanks Gambi
Its good to see you are a bit more active.
Im doing some things for the clan and im making a new event.
Also im recruting right now /jo Roman, Ive been pretty inactive because ive had a super busy week.
Monday: Study for my test on Wednesday
Tuesday: Study for my test on Wednesday
Wednesday: TEST! After school I had premiere tickets to see antman
Thursday: Meal with some friends at this spanish restaurant.
Friday: Friends birthday party
Saturday: Free house, having a party.
Sunday: My birthday
Nobody needs to post their user card anymore also...

Not the best at photoshop lol
Shrymp is holding this training thing.
Ill let him post the details
people who beat me twice:
anyone wanna take over as op
Last edited by Ronin5678; Jul 9, 2015 at 11:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The event looks pretty cool, i hope you wont screw it up ^^
Oh and im gonna leave my country for a week tomorrow (driving to italy), so its pretty likely, that im not going to be active.
my game is gliched every time i win a round it dosn't count for my 2nd dan.
like im at 155 ive won like 24 games and it stays at 155.
Ronin both of those usernames aren't real :P
So 2 people are going on vacation? Hope you have a good time

That glitch is weird Ronin... If its really annoying talk to a gm about it.