lol well im on almost everyday and i stay in black belt judo or elite judo. so i will be lookin for you.
Wanna COOKIE? Didn't think so! =]
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lol guys is there still place in your clan?:P

i made wrong choice, the clan i joined was from usa/australia so they were online when i was sleeping lol...

so im asking you again, can i join?

EDIT: LAWL youre usa too xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD just checked your profilles... zomfg xD lol well i dont want usa clan :/ lol forgive me this invade xD
Last edited by aronnos; Sep 1, 2009 at 09:18 PM.
Hey, i would love to apply to elite. i feel that i have grown since i have been here last.
Here are my stats:
Belt:2nd dan
past clans: icof, karma, and UnderWorld.
Best mod: judo, wushu, kickboxing, and katana.
Why i left my last clan: iCoF was great, but i need people who are on when i am. not when im sleeping. EPIC FAIL. Thanks! bye.

Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480