Secret Santa 2024
2 nights ago i pulled of a collateral and a few noscopes
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
the riot shield is so good in some maps.. I've forced people to use that default grenadier build just to kill me (and I still dodged their m204 rounds).. I managed to get an emergency airdrop with just riot shield kills lol..
/set gr 0 0 -30
My classes:

All around pwn class:
Scar-H with Red Dot Sight and Fmj
Akimbo G18's, Fmj (nooby i know, but great)
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Commando Pro

Speedy smg/shotty:
Mini Uzi with, Red Dot Sight
Spas-12 with, Red Dot Sight or ranger
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro (really helps with the ads)
Commando Pro

Sniper 1:
M21 EBR (Silencered sometimes)
M1014 with Red Dot
Bling Pro
Cold Blooded
Steady Aim Pro (For sniper and shotty)

Sniper 2 (Fav):
Barret .50 Cal with fmj
Either M93 Raffica, Tmp or Spas
Soh Pro
Stopping power Pro
Steady Aim Pro

Whatever needs upgrading:
Atm ACR with red dot
Akimbo m9 (trying to tac it)
All three same as SMG class

Today was great, on Afgan i had my barret class i managed to snipe two people and got collateral, someone got uav and i saw like 7 dots coming, i was like shit shit, went over picked up a spas-12 charged out got 3 people with a headshot then managed to shot the other 4. Got collateral, All Pro in one match it was awesome. Spas pwns

Btw if anyone has advice for my classes it would be nice
My class that I normally use is
FAL w/ Holographic sight and silencer
Spas-12 w/ RDS and foregrip
Claymore (thinking about changing, what to?)
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro

This class is epic.
Last edited by HiVoltage; Feb 4, 2010 at 03:02 PM.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Just got a 14 kill streak today, I'm happy with my new killstreak bonuses: UAV, Preadator, Harrier

Here's what I told you in IRC :V :

Primary: Intervention ACOG scope
Secondary: M93 RAFFICA Red dot sight
Equipment: Throwing Knife
Special Grenade: Stun Grenade x2
Perks: Sleight of hand pro, Stopping power pro, Steady aim pro
Death streak: Martyrdom
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
I unlocked the aocg scope and tried the class and it's awesome. Way more intuitive that with a barett and with a great close/mid range weapon.