@tempo: The original is pretty good, but the newer edit is nicer imo. You got a few nice hits in there.
Here is a new replay I did in judo in multiplayer.
The other guy really set himself up for what happened, and this move has never worked right until now.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
I was just screwing around with judo rules in singleplayer and got this cool decap.
Last edited by Gum; Aug 10, 2009 at 12:37 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars