youngsandm: It's nice to see that you reapplied and put some thought into your app. I've sparred with you in the past, a looooooong time ago and I felt that your realism was decent then, but the replays with your app showed improvement. I think you're a great replay maker with your own unique style. You have my approval, yes.
"An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men." ~Charles Darwin
some replays
by the time i sent my application, i just updated to 4.95 so i had no replays.

ive made some by now. they're not too good, but you can have a little taste of the silver ;)
Attached Files
butterslide.rpl (129.8 KB, 4 views)
dmstuff.rpl (211.8 KB, 4 views)
rekdrekdrekd.rpl (63.0 KB, 4 views)
spar.rpl (552.3 KB, 3 views)
evil Führer of Evil
[eVo] Application
Name: ArmSpazz
GMT: -3:00
Past clans: Badco[disagreement with the owner]Darkfox[Died]
What do you enjoy most about toribash? I enjoy the freedom in it. Everyone is the same, players don't have an advantage or a disadvantage in it. Its a different kind of game, not just a normal first person shooter. I also enjoy it because of how many different combinations you can make. There are 20 joints that you can move around. There is an infinite amount of frames you can have, and there are 4 settings, contract, extend, hold and relax. Think of how many combinations you can make with 20 joints, infinite frames and 4 different settings for each joint. That's why I enjoy toribash so much. (That's also why I have over 428 hours total on it.)
What can you bring to [eVo]? I can bring my talent in abd and kickbox. Win or lose, I am always happy that I fought for and with my clan.
Why choose [eVo]? I chose eVo because of the maturity in this clan. My previous clans were very immature and I didn't like being in those clans. That's something I want, I want to be happy in a clan. I don't want to be another number. [eVo] demonstrates maturity perfectly. It's an active clan and I've seen it in-game. I've watched [eVo] members fight, they are mature and respectful. I love that about this clan.
Current belt: Black Belt
Tell us about yourself: My name is Zachary, I am currently 17 years old and go to to Pennridge Highschool. I don't remember much about my childhood. When I was about 3 or 4 my dad's laptop was stolen. This had all of my baby pictures on it, so this is why I don't remember much. The first real memory as a child was playing the PlayStation 2. This fascinated me to no end, I would wake up and be the first on the PlayStation. I remember the startup and being able to hum along to it. I remembered Kingdom Hearts. This game was the start of me becoming amazed with games.
At age 7 I had my own game boy advanced SP. It was orange and green, it was Shrek edition. (Yes, it was Shrek edition.)At age 8 I had my own PlayStation 3, this HD console blew my mind. I played it for hours on end and ended up getting bad headaches because of it. I also had a Wii, which had some really bad times. I remember my dad playing tennis and me walking by. He wound up to swing and smacked me in the side of my head. He obviously didn't mean it, but he felt really bad...stupid Wii. By age 10 I was playing games on my mom's dell laptop. At age 11 I had my own DSI XL. The DSI was a main part of my life. It had math games on it that helped me get through elementary school and even now it still works like it was never used. By age 13 I had my first PC. I still have all these consoles, except for the PC. I have a Gigabyte P25X v2 right now, It's a gaming computer. That is how I got into games, and this is why I am here now.

Extra stuff about me: I am on the highschool swim team and have made districts every single year I have been swimming. I also do rock climbing and club volley ball. I'm a hard worker and a very social person. Thanks a lot for checking me out, I really do hope I am good enough for [eVo] I also hope that [eVo] will be the clan to take me in as a permanent member.
Below you will find replays associated with my application.
Attached Files
Headpunch 1.rpl (71.8 KB, 9 views)
Replay 3 HAVOK.rpl (62.8 KB, 4 views)
Smokin'!.rpl (70.0 KB, 4 views)
Last but not least!.rpl (122.3 KB, 3 views)
Officially evil
Evil's Spazzy Child
Hello my name is Waylon(chimmy12), my GMT is -5. Some clans Ive been in are roman, fc and I think one other. what i do in toribash and enjoy learning, getting better,sparring/parkour, and winning. I can bring what I do, though I dont know what it is but it is something special. I chose eVo because , well just thought I would have somewhat of a chance of getting into a good clan. Ive played 3 years, i still suck at sparring and parkour though I still keep trying. also im somewhat skilled in aikido. one more thing being that I am prettygood at getting out of suituations where Im fractured.

In these replays Im usually badly disabaled but manage to pull through.

In the replay "not sure how... but" I accadently frac both of my arms and is abale to use my weight to get the win.

In "may the skill be with you" I manage to pull my opnent down before my limbs hit the floor.

in "omfg" yes I do try to lift like a "noob" but he saves in a nice way. causing me to be sure to lose, but im abale to get enough momentum with my arm to get his hand to dq .

In "nice save" is a simple replay where i was sure to lose(in ghosts) but I am able to rip off his hand giving me the win.

the last replay proves that mods should have dismemberment off by defualt
I greatly hope you considor me. Goodnight

oh yea, Im am getting into airsoft more and playing base ball. I listen to almost anymusic besides pop and even some pop ill listen to, I am pretty laied back unless i get really excited. It usually takes alot to make me "rage" and ive been playing toribash for about 3 years. one more think this ~ is called a tilde
-chimmy 12
Attached Files
not sure how... but.rpl (59.9 KB, 5 views)
may the skill be with you.rpl (46.3 KB, 6 views)
omfg!.rpl (54.8 KB, 6 views)
nice save.rpl (46.6 KB, 4 views)
DECAP.rpl (30.2 KB, 3 views)
dem saves.rpl (60.0 KB, 3 views)
DAFUK IS DIS.rpl (805.5 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by chimmy12; Jun 15, 2015 at 09:22 AM. Reason: few more replays


still no answer
ive had even more time now.
how about i show you some better replays i made in the last 4 days

Attached Files
50k headkick.rpl (181.3 KB, 7 views)
fuck some shit up.rpl (178.1 KB, 4 views)
facebutt.rpl (123.6 KB, 4 views)
here.rpl (95.5 KB, 3 views)
headkicks.rpl (87.4 KB, 3 views)
360kick.rpl (44.4 KB, 5 views)
evil Führer of Evil
eVo application
In-Game Name: Viythm.

GMT: Eastern, Canada

Tell us about yourself: Well, I'm a skilled decap and opener maker, a great manip and horse stance creator, a soon-to-be engineer and quick to solve problems.

What can you bring eVo?: A skilled Judofrac and Aikido saver, another helping hand and another sparrer and trainer, if you please.

What do you most enjoy about Toribash?: I find Multiplayer and the freedom to create and play mods inspiring, as well as the joy of creating moves and techniques.

Why do you choose eVo?: This clan as I had heard is skilled and seemingly has famous, strong and smart members.

If an eVo member recommended you to join, list his username here: I was not recommended by a member. I just spotted the clan, researched on it a little and wanted to join.

My belt is Orange but I hope that doesn't matter. Here are my replays:
Attached Files
Advanced Free Running.rpl (160.5 KB, 5 views)
Viythm Spar.rpl (761.1 KB, 4 views)
Leg Sweep Kick.rpl (90.9 KB, 3 views)
Lift Manipulation.rpl (68.6 KB, 4 views)
mushu punch.rpl (35.6 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Viythm; Jun 27, 2015 at 12:48 AM.
Originally Posted by Viythm View Post
Replays: ( I use Steam Toribash so I can't post them )

Steam > Steamapps > common > toribash > replay

that's where replays gets stored.