[Piratez] GMT Check Thread
This thread was already made before, but, if your name isn't here, please tell us, so we can fix it, and soon, update and upgrade.
Now for just General Piratez stuff, like the GMT.
This settles the time differences between us Piratez.
GMT Submission:
Use this website to determine your GMT then post it. That simple.
GMT -12 -
GMT -11 -
GMT -10 - MadVVorld
GMT -9 -
GMT -8 - Kryo, Reekondub
GMT -7 -
GMT -6 - Squirre1, DanielJr
GMT -5 - xXfactionXx, kngspartan, Epic4Chris, Dex, MrTeapawt
GMT -4 - Yourface, Mrolas, OpTiC
GMT -3 - XPaD, GrayveXP, Lunaxy, YouDown, VIT0R
GMT -2 -
GMT -1 -
GMT +0 - Praeter
GMT +1 - Abel, Bojan, Luc0z4d3
GMT +2 - Serge94, Torismaser
GMT +3 -
GMT +4 -
GMT +5 -
GMT +6 -
GMT +7 - Darkshadow8, Sicks
GMT +8 - Julespino
GMT +9 -
GMT +10 - Rutten, Craved
GMT +11 -
GMT +12 -
Last edited by MrTeapawt; Aug 1, 2010 at 11:23 PM.