Originally Posted by Jak View Post
we are going to.cold and i will br racking tc up for january

*buys a plane ticket to China*
Nah dood, i'm totally not moving away.
*jumps on plane to China*
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this
Originally Posted by Cold View Post
*buys a plane ticket to China*
Nah dood, i'm totally not moving away.
*jumps on plane to China*

On your way to china stop by new york and teach me how to play no grab mods kthx
Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
Yes It is quite sad. Also carrot... I like that avy.

Thanks man.

Yours is either a Destiny character or the Predator from AvP.

Both intensely sweet.
FAU is the ULTIMATE college experience.