It doesn't happen like that xaron88, you gave up on your app, applied to obey, got denied, now you think you can just continue?

No sir.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post
It doesn't happen like that xaron88, you gave up on your app, applied to obey, got denied, now you think you can just continue?

No sir.

Well, with Zack hounding me to constantly, I gave in.

I can always re-apply another time and try once more hmm?

Or is that a permanent "no"? :/
Unfortunately based on what I've gathered from various past episodes in the recruitment thread, I can't realistically see you being a recruit after having applied then canceled the app. Applying to any clan is an important decision, but applying to Evolution especially is something that should have had a lot of thought behind. You're representing a group of members that all stand VERY high up in the community. And so unless little or no thought was behind your choice to try for [eVo], going back on yourself by canceling your app seems to be rather an odd choice. But to go back on yourself again after having already second guessed yourself prior....? Unnecessary. I should think from what Tripstone has already stated that the answer to that is No. But of course at the end of the day it's a combination of both Tripstone and Eddy's views that predetermine this Aaron.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
I see it as a real life issue Hassan, if you go to a job and apply and you don't hear back from them in a while, but have a friend come and say they have a job for you, you would go for that job at the mean time. I was told it takes years to join eVo, for one of my friends(Ruins), took 8 months. I have been wanting to join eVo since my first years of TB, but with the combination of trying to get to know everyone and being ignored and one of my close friends hounding me to join their clan I gave in. Everyone has their flaws, it doesn't matter who you are. My flaw(at this point in time) is being persuaded into applying for another clan, it happens. I enjoy talking to people I don't know and being in a clan, I don't like to be a "lone wolf" as you call it.

Applying for eVo wasn't just some spite I had, it was what I wanted, for way longer than most people that have been playing this game. I don't see eVo as the glorious eVo everyone else see's it as, I see them as a close family that takes a lot of trust to get in. If it wasn't for Avenged way back in the day, I would've never applied for eVo, but because of him and who he was at the time to step as side and treat me with respect without his ego of being in Evolution getting in the way is what convinced me to apply, but it didn't take me until YEARS later, because I was always told I'd never be good enough.

Me being an adult now, makes me think that idc about not being good enough anymore, I just care about the family part of it. you can ask my friends to my old clan leaders how I feel about eVo. If i can never apply again, and this is the end of my relationship with eVo then there is no point to playing anymore. I did try and talk to everyone and try to make bonds, but when you want a be in a clan and you feel like you're getting no where is the worst feeling, because you feel like you arent good enough. I've already dealt with that in the past, and I don't want to deal with it again.

If I am being rejected for temptation, then so be it. Zack is one of my closest friends on here, like a brother to me. When someone that close asks you to do something over and over you'll eventually give in. When I applied for Obey, I thought it was certainty of being about to join, with me being friends with Trestet, Jedi, and Hatt as well. But when I got declined I was pissed, and I don't have any shame in that, after thinking you can get into something then get denied hurts and that's what I was.

But go ahead and deny me for that if y'all wish, I completely accept it and I'm not ashamed of it, its y'alls clan and I cant force you to tell me yes, but what I can do is explain myself. View this as you wish, and decide for yourself. What ever you chose I'll go for. Thank you guys for opportunity though, It made my day that I didn't get a single "No" from you guys, it meant a lot to me. If there is ever an opportunity to join or re-apply, I won't screw it up again. That's all I can say on this matter.
Last edited by Milf; Apr 25, 2016 at 07:19 PM.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post


Omg where did it go?

Originally Posted by Ruins View Post
Wait! I just saw this! WHAT HAPPENED!

Sadly it's time for Pre-Evo to come to an end.
R.I.P Pre - Evolution - Mar 21, 2013 - April 25, 2016.

What...? What's this?! Pre-Evo is.... EVOLVING?!?!


Congratulations! Pre-Evo has evolved into the [eVo] Lounge!!

Don't worry, you can always come chill and hangout with us at the [eVo] Lounge!

Last edited by Tripstone; Apr 25, 2016 at 11:26 PM.