Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
you wanna change with me?

we got something like this:

12x^5+5x^4-97x^3+2x^2-8x+2 <.<

Uhm.. you can keep it thanks :S
Originally Posted by fireless View Post
i'm leaving this clan guys i'm not liking the way its going

Damn, sad to hear that bro, probably my words won't change your mind huh ?
Well, i'll just hope a big of luck on your journey, good bye.
hey guys, sorry for my inactivity again, i got back the joy of a toy named, LEGO. if only i could buy real models for large tc.
@Fireless: Well, I won't be immature and beg you to stay. You made up your mind. May opportunity be in your favor.

@Joshua: Well, that's pretty.... special. I'm happy that you found a new channel of entertainment.
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So I've been working on jumping, after I month I improved by 2 inches. I was expecting more but, what I get is what I get.