Originally Posted by Math
post it on Chess, I'm neutral.
After reading this, it comes to my mind that Math doesn't care about his clan again.
I'm also neutral. We merged with [coffee], good shit there, [coffee] members were all awesome and I felt confortable with the merge. Now, recieving 2 clans more, I mean, how many people are we going to be? I'm quite happy with [Chess] right now, but if the majority decides to merge, I have no troubles in doing so too. Another note, I'm not quite active right now, so if this tri-merge gets us some over-activity I'll be kinda frustrated to have to read all the things that are going to be post.
To make it short, I'm happy with [chess] and his inactivity and in the other hand I'm all in if the leaders decide that is the best to merge.
I also want to know what Shmevin says, personally I want HIM to post what HE thinks about this. Unlike Math that is like "meh post it on chess blah". (Q-Q)
Originally Posted by Athin
You guys shouldn't do this.
Just sayin'.
May you explain why Athin? I'm curious and would like to hear what you think.