well, I will say this. I enjoy your style for whatever reason.
I won't judge you're first replay since I helped position your last kick. But the replay overall was a little messy, it was more or less a cluster of kicks that got little dm's here and there.
Second one: Personally, I'd change that to something else. it just doesn't stand out for what ever reason. Might be because decaps are underrated now and don't look as cool as they could be.
Last one: By far the best replay. If you get denied, I'd use it in you're next one. I loved the flow of it, and I enjoyed how you spun around on you're knees to get momentum for your follow up. Was extremely well executed.
If all you're replays were like the last one, I'd say yes for sure.
I always judge on whether or not I like 2/3 of the replays. Since I can't judge the first one, I want you to change out your second one and put something else there. If it makes me say "wow, that's op" I will say Yes.