View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Name: Donte
Age: 13
GMT & Country: -5 United States
Best Mod:Aikido
Forum activity: Well I am mostly on forums from 1:00pm-12:00am matters on what I am doing for that day.
Why would you like to join Piratez?: Well it seems like a good clan. Most of the members are active in forums and are always there to help. It also seems like a very interesting clan to be in.
Why should you pick me?:Well you should pick me to be in piratez because I have a great personality. I am very active in forums and ingame. I am always there to help out when needed and availble at almost any time.
Ban/Frac History:I hardly get banned and I may get fracs once in awhile,but nothing serious.
Info about me: I am a 13 year old black male. I like to have fun, but serious when needed. I like to view art work. I am also into computer programming and new tech. I also make friends real easy and don't get into arguments much.
Last edited by Sil; Aug 1, 2010 at 06:42 AM.
I'm back :)
Thanks for helping oyster. I have been waiting for a clean up =)
I'm back :)
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Guys, be creative in your application. It's best not to follow the format as it shows your individuality.

Oh, sorry. Should I re-apply again?
not dead
Also Daniel, re-apply to renew your membership.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Name: Kuyler, I reveal my name.
Age: 15
Skills: Kickboxing, judo, most mods that aren't gay.
Belt and qi: 9th dan qi 9555
About 3 posts a week will do just so we know you are active: recentlyish, but not right now cause of starcraft2, 50 posts a day.
Past Clans: Most Wanted, Ten Thousand fists(Incognito),Toriknights, DELTA, Piratez.
About Me in one word: Awesomeomgyou'rebadassiwishiwaslikeyou.
More: I'm an artist, play the trumpet, am on my computer way too much, and yeah, that's about it.
Why I want to join: Well, I dont want to be kicked from this clan.
Last edited by Yourface; Aug 1, 2010 at 07:27 AM.
Name: xXfactionXx = Cole

Age: 15

Skills: Aikido, wushu, judo

GMT:(-3) Canada

Belt and qi: 2nd dan black belt, 2709 QI

How active am I: Everyday I will post, I am very forum active.

Why do you want to join Piratez: Well, I think that i could help a lot in the Piratez clan. I would be very active with the clan, I would help out all members if they have a question, once I get to a high rank, I would try my best to help out the clan as much as possible, if the clan is in trouble, I would do my best to make thing's right. I have good grammar, so clan member's will understand me perfectly. I would help out the clan in any form possible, whatever the problem is, I will fix it. I recieve constructive cristicism with no problem, if somone does not like me, they will tell me why, I would try my best to patch that part of my personality. I will also bbring good fight skills to the Piratez table. I am very familiar with forum rules, I will not spam on the Piratez forums, I am a serious player and forum user.

Past clans: [ExpoDer]- I made the clan, no members joined
[DSS]- CLan got very unactive, did not have a DSC
[Venom]- One of 3 founders, I left becuase I took a break from Toribash.

When you joined Toribash: About july 2007, I had alt acounts.

Bans: 1 For accidently spamming.
Name : Jesus.
Age : 17...
Skill's : Art/Textures and running mod's.
Your strongest mod(s): Running mod's ^
GMT : -3 Brazil, Hell... São Paulo.
Belt : 3rd black belt.
How active : Hm, not much... My english really suck, you all know.
Why do you want to join Piratez : Love, gays... Epic, we are epic. Also... I'm not epic. I'm an bitch, artist... Can do some free stuff here, etc. Nothing more else to say, miau.
Past clans : No-Mercy, MM's(Movie Master's) and, VIP.
About "me" in one word : God.
Thanks oyster... i can see this will be good for the clan.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.