Name: xXfactionXx = Cole
Age: 15
Skills: Aikido, wushu, judo
GMT:(-3) Canada
Belt and qi: 2nd dan black belt, 2709 QI
How active am I: Everyday I will post, I am very forum active.
Why do you want to join Piratez: Well, I think that i could help a lot in the Piratez clan. I would be very active with the clan, I would help out all members if they have a question, once I get to a high rank, I would try my best to help out the clan as much as possible, if the clan is in trouble, I would do my best to make thing's right. I have good grammar, so clan member's will understand me perfectly. I would help out the clan in any form possible, whatever the problem is, I will fix it. I recieve constructive cristicism with no problem, if somone does not like me, they will tell me why, I would try my best to patch that part of my personality. I will also bbring good fight skills to the Piratez table. I am very familiar with forum rules, I will not spam on the Piratez forums, I am a serious player and forum user.
Past clans: [ExpoDer]- I made the clan, no members joined
[DSS]- CLan got very unactive, did not have a DSC
[Venom]- One of 3 founders, I left becuase I took a break from Toribash.
When you joined Toribash: About july 2007, I had alt acounts.
Bans: 1 For accidently spamming.