View Poll Results: Chance on becoming offical?
Chance on Becoming Offical?
26 Votes / 81.25%
How the DSC looks?
11 Votes / 34.38%
If you have think this clan has skill?
12 Votes / 37.50%
Do the LDR/Co R great leaders
11 Votes / 34.38%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll
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ppl matt is a shit ldr this aint his first clan he oferd me
a deal if i wanted to join back clan give him my texture
what kind of ldr does that second tonight he told me
to pretend to be kicked out of the clan so that someone else cold join now dooes a leader do that NO they dont
so if i was u wi wold quit this shity clan and join somethin else matt you u are worst leader i have
ever seen and dont go o and 1 last thing he has
way more than enaugh for an oficial clan he
just wants the tc for him self he told me
if u dont tell any 1 u will get 10k, 10k! imagine how
much tc has he got to offer me that all he wants
to do is get ur tc deafeat other cland get tc keeps
most for him self replaces people for better ones
like he did to me and it feels shit u know
GAME IM SERIUS U KNOW all that i sayed was true
if u dont beleave me well ull stay longer and then u will
belive that i told the truth
matt i quit ur clan once again...plz dont create another clan for tc coz thats jus pafetic and noob. matt give them back the tc!!!
Last edited by spartalol; Nov 14, 2009 at 04:28 AM.
when evry thing else fails... Unknown dosent
Sparta... i'm sorry... i just believe on something when i see it... IF(and i rly mean IF) yo're telling the truth... we wont be a official clan(if that happend i'm affraid i'll have to tell hampa about that matt21211, cuz i dont believe youre capable of doing that)... if if what your're saying is a lie (an ill ask hampa to check your's private mesages to see it) ill have to ask you to be banned for false info... MATT I REALY DON'T WANT THAT THIS BECAME TRUTH, CUZ IF IT DOES I WONT ACCEPT YOUR APPOLOGIZE AND I'LL MAKE SHURE YOUR IP NEVER ENTER ON TORIBASH AGAIN... SO PLEASE... TELL ME THAT HE'S LYING.... I HAVE TRUST YOU...

I dont get y u would sit there and lie to the clan just because u case to much drama and the whole time i have ben playing around with u................. i am srry if u belive sparta but if you belive him u might as well quit as well ur not worthy i ben working my ass off to get the clan offical........ i see how it..... IVE BEN ACTIVE EVERY DAY


I see that sparta has some issues to work out i am tired of a little boy trying to make me look stupid i am a great leader an i have never scamed anyon of my members for sure so u dont need to worry over a little boy...

everyone i am srry for sparta running his mouth about stupid things I LOVE THIS CLAN and i dont want nothing bad to happen to it,,,

When all else fails WE STAY Heads UP and always HOODZ!!!!
Last edited by Matt_old; Nov 14, 2009 at 05:43 AM.
...................Unibash Teacher...................
Quit with the childish bullshit, both of you. This is getting old rather quickly. spartalol, stay the fuck out of this DSC if you're not in the clan. Matt, don't antagonize him.
sorry but im out of the clan, lods of people are saying this clan is to get out TC and your just stealing it, im not sure about that but you can keep 1800 TC and also i still havent been added to the first page in 3rdD so bye and thank you for letting me join anyway
im telling the truth and he told me to pretend to quit clan in a whisper

i dont realy care if hampa check the private posts coz im tellin truth m8

o and 1 question how do i make a mod i try do browse but what do i browse?
plz help me
Last edited by spartalol; Nov 14, 2009 at 12:22 PM.
when evry thing else fails... Unknown dosent
Your doing quite good as leader matt, and wow on how many members you have. I think i counted 52 members, just remember, the more you have, the harder it is to stay organized
Also good luck with becoming official.
<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
matt i wold like my beutifle trail back becouse u cheat on the clan o and i meant
he has more tc than he realy needs for the clan he is gona make it oficial but he is still gona hav ya tc duh
Last edited by spartalol; Nov 14, 2009 at 12:35 PM.
when evry thing else fails... Unknown dosent