@bluepheonix: Sorry to hear that, but these things happen. Just go out there and keep yourself busy, wallowing around in self-pity never has and never will help anyone. Don't rely on other people for your own happiness, otherwise it will never end. Rather than being with someone that makes you happy, simply be someone that makes you happy. Do what you like to do, hang out with your friends, try to meet new people, try new activities(not retarded activities like smoking, drinking and drugs). Society is somewhat centered around relationships nowadays, so you'll most likely be around people who are in a relationship no matter what you do. Don't let it get you down. As you well know relationships aren't all sun and roses. That being said, take the bad with the good. Being single means that you have freedoms you previously didn't have(even if your girlfriend was extremely tolerant, you would have still taken into account what she would have thought about what you were doing at any given time). If anything else, all the girls you couldn't act overly friendly to(because of your ex-gf) are within your reach now, so you get to treat them like girls, and not like inanimate boring lumps of protoplasm wandering around. You have one less shackle now, more free time and less expenses. All you'll be, you'll be with or without a romantic relationship. Enjoy your freedom and move on. I wouldn't advise you to try to get back with her, because that rarely(if ever) works. Personally, I would never get back with anyone who dumped me. If it's happened once, it can happen again. Make her disappear from your life - don't see her, don't talk to her, cut off all ties with her. For all you care right now she should be considered a complete stranger. Don't start another relationship to get "revenge" on her either, 'cause that inevitably leads to misery. Just act as if she doesn't exist. If and when you meet another person you like and are compatible with, and if you have the desire to begin a romantic relationship again, go for it. Just don't rush it. Rushing things like that is bound to end badly. Serious relationships never happen quickly, you need to know someone really well in order for it to work.
P.S: I've never had a girlfriend, nor have I ever had the desire to have one, and I can assure you that I'm doing pretty well so far. I've always been happy being single, and I plan to stay that way. I want my life to be as exciting as it can be, and having to take into consideration what a girlfriend would think would severely limit the things that I can do. To me relationships are an obstacle to my intellectual pursuits, little more than shackles. The useless drama involved in them is something I despise, and it is sadly present in most. I've seen plenty of people be in good relationships, and I've seen plenty of people in bad relationships. I have never wanted to connect with someone on such a level. That being said, I've always been a mistrustful loner who converses only with people he feels are worth the time, so take from that what you will. The friends that I have are ones that I've chosen, and I've met most of them doing things that I like to do(read training, rock climbing and similar tastes in music/games). Hope this helps.
@wannin: I'm really not sure what we're supposed to gather from that saying. A needle and the ocean have hardly anything in common, wouldn't it make more sense for it to be a drop of water, a pearl or something else that is extremely common there?
Last edited by lordtiger; Dec 9, 2012 at 12:41 PM.